Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
SpikY_ - 12.08.2014
See this pic:
In this picture .. some lines are missing at the end.
My codes are:
new dialog[2000];
strcat(dialog,"\t\t\t{FFAC41}FEATURES {FF00E6}OF {FFAC41}ADMIN LEVEL {FF00E6}1\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator have ability to check player Info.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Have ability to banned HACKERS.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to Unban someone.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can ban OFFLINE players.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Search banned players by a Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can check players Weapons Info.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Can see Specified Player PING.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Can see specified Player IP.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Fix his vehicle by a simple Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Repair his vehicle by a simple Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can add Nitros in his vehicle.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Ability to spawn a Tuned Car , There are 10 tuned vehicles.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Save Place.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}After saving Place , Administrator can Goto that Place directly.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can go to there Duty, While on Duty no one try to Kill you.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}With the same Duty command, Player can come back to Playing mode.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Save there own Skins.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}After saving Skin, Admin can Use it by a Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can stop using his personal skin by a simple Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Set his Own personal Time.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Goto to There Admin Base by a Teleport Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to Check Admin config.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admins can see Online V.i.P List.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Change Time to Morning.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrators can see Previous Reports by type a Simple Command.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to see Offline Players Statistic.\n");
strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admins can See Miniguns Ifsomeone Using it , Its especially For Weapon Hackers.\n\n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1234,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FF00E6}FeaTures oF {FFFF00}Admin leVel {FF0000}1",dialog,"Close","");
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
Blast3r - 12.08.2014
You've either exceeded the dialog limit or your string is just not long enough so you could try increasing the dialog[2000] to dialog[2100] and see if anything's changed, if not then you pretty much got the dialog limit.
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
[XST]O_x - 12.08.2014
The dialog limit is 2048. You've currently used 2000. Judging by where your text stopped (The 2000th character) adding these 48 cells should just do it. Change new dialog[2000] to new dialog[2048]
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
SpikY_ - 12.08.2014
ok thx i will try
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
SpikY_ - 12.08.2014
Wht i need to Add?
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
[XST]O_x - 12.08.2014
Originally Posted by NGEN123
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
SpikY_ - 13.08.2014
:9 same problem .. anyone help me plz plz
Re: Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox -
GGW - 13.08.2014
Originally Posted by NGEN123
:9 same problem .. anyone help me plz plz
Watch the Post how they fixed it.