I buy car system

Hi friend, I'm looking for a person who believes me a trolley system, as the title would pay for it, the system says it would be something basic.

/vehiclecreate model, price

/v park , lock, locate, buy

On player enter vehicle

with owner : Message Cars owner is Player
With lock on : Cars locked

With no owner: Use /v buy to buy car

There are lots of scripts like these for free,
Just look around the forums, you will find tons.

Even if you would think about doing it yourself I believe that it won't take much time.

Or just search in ****** by typing samp car system script

I know there are a lot, I can make with these materials and develop mine, but my time is insufficient for that I pay because I believe one


Tutorial 1 (Y_INI nearly features that you are looking for)
Tutorial 2 (Y_INI)
Tutorial 3 (MySQL)


Filterscript 1 (/createveh , lock , locate , park are avilable)
Filterscript 2 (awesome features)

You don't have to waste your money you can just follow tutorials or filterscripts that i linked you above , and you can just edit highlights you want , change the name of commands example from '/buycar' to '/v' as you want.

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