Text draw fail.

First of all, thank you for reading this.

Alright, so I'm using the following code:
pawn Код:
FactionInvite = TextDrawCreate(0.5, 280.0, "You have been invited to a faction~n~ use /accept faction to continue");
    TextDrawUseBox(FactionInvite, 1);
    TextDrawBoxColor(FactionInvite, 0x000000FF);
    TextDrawTextSize(FactionInvite, 0.4, 26.4);
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(FactionInvite, 0x000000FF);
    TextDrawLetterSize(FactionInvite, 0.4, 0.8);
This is the first time I create a textdraw and I want the textdraw to be in a black square ( box )
Well, the problem is whenever I show this textdraw to someone it comes out like this:
...." ( and it's not in a box )

What am I doing wrong..? I've never experienced with textdraws, as was said above, any help/explnation will be appreicated!

I suggest you use iPleomax's textdraw creator, it's really nice and easy.

I'll check it out, downloading it as I'm typing this message.
Thank you for the quick reply.

Okay, first of all sorry for double posting I just want you to notice this. xD

This is an awesome filterscript and how do I use the made textdraw? I mean it is saved in the scriptfiles folder, but how do I call it/show it?

You have to copy the TextDrawCreate code, and all that stuff, into OnGameModeInit, then you need to place TextDrawShowForPlayer/TextDrawHideForPlayer at the place you want to show it.
Search for those things on the wiki, as the usage is clearly explained there.

One little question.. copy it from where? :/

EDIT: nevermind. xD

EDIT2: Thank you for helping me, rep+.

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