Can i Connect 2 filterscript ?

Huy guys ... So i am using ryder race system and i want to disable player boost while in race ... So can i connect my game mode with filterscript so that i can disable player bost

2: can you give me code like player should exit his vehicle so he should be kicked out of race.

1. pVars.
2. OnPlayerStateChange.

Originally Posted by MP2
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1. pVars.
2. OnPlayerStateChange.
1: did'nt get ya ?
2: post full code please

Originally Posted by мυ∂υℓ_вacнα
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1: did'nt get ya ?
2: post full code please
1. One of many usage of Per-player variable system or the so called "pVars" is to communicate a filterscript and a gamemode. Basically you Set a Pvar (Int) / Set a Pvar (Str) on your Filterscript and then Get a Pvar (Int) / Get a Pvar (Str)
2. Read some tutorials and it'll be easy as a nut.

Some wiki pVar definitions:

PVars can be shared/accessed across gamemode scripts and filterscripts, making it easier to modularise your code.


is a new way of creating player variables in an efficient dynamically created method globally, meaning they can be used in server's gamemode and filterscripts at the same time.


link of any tutorial ?

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