10.04.2012, 14:41
This PHP class will allow you to read information from an AMX, currently:
I really can't be bothered documenting this script right now, but if you need any help just ask.
Very brief usage example (just explore the output and you'll figure the rest out):
The class:
- Various information from the file's header.
- Public functions and variables.
- Used native functions.
- Debug information (if compiled with -d2/d3):
- Which files were used when compiling the script.
- All symbols used within the script (functions, global/local variables, etc.) along with their tags.
- Automatons and their states.
- If debug information is present, you can modify it and save it back to the AMX.
I really can't be bothered documenting this script right now, but if you need any help just ask.
Very brief usage example (just explore the output and you'll figure the rest out):
PHP код:
$amx = new AMX('/path/to/amx.amx');
PHP код:
class AMX {
private $file;
public $header;
public $debug;
const IDENT_ARRAY = 3;
const AMX_MAGIC = 0xF1E0;
public function __construct($fname) {
$this->file = realpath($fname);
private function load() {
$pos = 0;
if (!($fp = fopen($this->file, 'rb')))
trigger_error("Unable to read from file: \"$this->file\".", E_USER_ERROR);
// Read the header
$data = fread($fp, 56);
$this->header = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vsize', /* size of the "file" */
'vmagic', /* signature */
'cfile_version', /* file format version */
'camx_version', /* required version of the AMX */
'vflags', /* flags */
'vdefsize', /* size of a definition record */
'Vcod', /* initial value of COD - code block */
'Vdat', /* initial value of DAT - data block */
'Vhea', /* initial value of HEA - start of the heap */
'Vstp', /* initial value of STP - stack top */
'Vcip', /* initial value of CIP - the instruction pointer */
'Voffset_publics', /* offset to the "public functions" table */
'Voffset_natives', /* offset to the "native functions" table */
'Voffset_libraries', /* offset to the table of libraries */
'Voffset_pubvars', /* the "public variables" table */
'Voffset_tags', /* the "public tagnames" table */
'Voffset_nametable', /* name table */
)), $data);
if ($this->header->magic != self::AMX_MAGIC) {
trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid magic: %04x.', $this->header->magic), E_USER_WARNING);
$data .= fread($fp, $this->header->cod);
$this->header->num_publics = ($this->header->offset_natives - $this->header->offset_publics) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_natives = ($this->header->offset_libraries - $this->header->offset_natives) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_libraries = ($this->header->offset_pubvars - $this->header->offset_libraries) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_pubvars = ($this->header->offset_tags - $this->header->offset_pubvars) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_tags = ($this->header->offset_nametable - $this->header->offset_tags) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->publics = array();
$this->header->natives = array();
$this->header->libraries = array();
$this->header->pubvars = array();
$this->header->tags = array();
$pos = $this->header->offset_publics;
foreach (array('publics', 'natives', 'libraries', 'pubvars', 'tags') as $entry) {
$numvar = "num_$entry";
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->header->$numvar; $i++) {
$info = (object) unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/Vname", $data);
$pos += 8;
$info->name = substr($data, $info->name, 64);
$info->name = strstr($info->name, "\0", true);
// Strange PHP behavior lead me to this..
$ar = &$this->header->$entry;
$ar[$info->name] = $info->address;
// Is there debug information?
if (filesize($this->file) > $this->header->size) {
fseek($fp, $this->header->size);
$data = fread($fp, filesize($this->file) - $this->header->size);
$pos = 0;
$this->debug = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vsize', /* size of the debug information chunk */
'vmagic', /* signature, must be 0xf1ef */
'cfile_version', /* file format version */
'camx_version', /* required version of the AMX */
'vnum_flags', /* currently unused */
'vnum_files', /* number of entries in the "file" table */
'vnum_lines', /* number of entries in the "line" table */
'vnum_symbols', /* number of entries in the "symbol" table */
'vnum_tags', /* number of entries in the "tag" table */
'vnum_automatons', /* number of entries in the "automaton" table */
'vnum_states', /* number of entries in the "state" table */
)), $data);
$pos += 22;
$this->debug->files = array();
$this->debug->lines = array();
$this->debug->symbols = array();
$this->debug->tags = array();
$this->debug->automatons = array();
$this->debug->states = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_files; $i++) {
$file = (object) unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/a1024name", $data);
$file->name = strstr($file->name, "\0", true);
$pos += 4 + strlen($file->name) + 1;
$this->debug->files[] = $file;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_lines; $i++) {
$line = unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/Vline", $data);
$this->debug->lines[$line['address']] = $line['line'];
$pos += 8;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_symbols; $i++) {
$symbol = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vaddress', /* address in the data segment or relative to the frame */
'vtag', /* tag for the symbol */
'Vcodestart', /* address in the code segment from which this symbol is valid (in scope) */
'Vcodeend', /* address in the code segment until which this symbol is valid (in scope) */
'cident', /* kind of symbol (function/variable) */
'cvclass', /* class of symbol (global/local) */
'vdim', /* number of dimensions */
)), $data);
$pos += 4+2+4+4+1+1+2;
$symbol->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$symbol->name = strstr($symbol->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($symbol->name) + 1;
if ($symbol->dim) {
$dim = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < $symbol->dim; $j++) {
$dim[] = (object) unpack("@$pos/vtag/Vsize", $data);
$pos += 2 + 4;
$symbol->dim = $dim;
} else {
$symbol->dim = array();
$this->debug->symbols[] = $symbol;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_tags; $i++) {
$tag = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid", $data);
$pos += 2;
$tag->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$tag->name = strstr($tag->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($tag->name) + 1;
$this->debug->tags[$tag->id] = $tag->name;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_automatons; $i++) {
$automaton = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid/Vaddress", $data);
$pos += 2 + 4;
$automaton->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$automaton->name = strstr($automaton->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($automaton->name) + 1;
$this->debug->automatons[$automaton->id] = (object) array(
'address' => $automaton->address,
'name' => $automaton->name
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_states; $i++) {
$state = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid/vautomaton", $data);
$pos += 2 + 2;
$state->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$state->name = strstr($state->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($state->name) + 1;
$this->debug->states[] = $state;
public function save() {
if ($this->debug) {
$debug_output = pack(
foreach ($this->debug->files as $file)
$debug_output .= pack('V', $file->address) . "$file->name\0";
foreach ($this->debug->lines as $address => $line)
$debug_output .= pack('VV', $address, $line);
foreach ($this->debug->symbols as $symbol) {
$debug_output .= pack(
) . "$symbol->name\0";
foreach ($symbol->dim as $dim)
$debug_output .= pack('vV', $dim->tag, $dim->size);
foreach ($this->debug->tags as $id => $tag)
$debug_output .= pack('v', $id) . "$tag\0";
foreach ($this->debug->automatons as $id => $automaton)
$debug_output .= pack('vV', $id, $automaton->address) . "$automaton->name\0";
foreach ($this->debug->states as $state)
$debug_output .= pack('vv', $state->id, $state->automaton) . "$state->name\0";
if (($fp = fopen($this->file, 'a'))) {
fseek($fp, $this->header->size);
ftruncate($fp, $this->header->size);
fwrite($fp, $debug_output);
} else {
return false;
return true;