$amx = new AMX('/path/to/amx.amx');
class AMX {
private $file;
public $header;
public $debug;
const IDENT_ARRAY = 3;
const AMX_MAGIC = 0xF1E0;
public function __construct($fname) {
$this->file = realpath($fname);
private function load() {
$pos = 0;
if (!($fp = fopen($this->file, 'rb')))
trigger_error("Unable to read from file: \"$this->file\".", E_USER_ERROR);
// Read the header
$data = fread($fp, 56);
$this->header = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vsize', /* size of the "file" */
'vmagic', /* signature */
'cfile_version', /* file format version */
'camx_version', /* required version of the AMX */
'vflags', /* flags */
'vdefsize', /* size of a definition record */
'Vcod', /* initial value of COD - code block */
'Vdat', /* initial value of DAT - data block */
'Vhea', /* initial value of HEA - start of the heap */
'Vstp', /* initial value of STP - stack top */
'Vcip', /* initial value of CIP - the instruction pointer */
'Voffset_publics', /* offset to the "public functions" table */
'Voffset_natives', /* offset to the "native functions" table */
'Voffset_libraries', /* offset to the table of libraries */
'Voffset_pubvars', /* the "public variables" table */
'Voffset_tags', /* the "public tagnames" table */
'Voffset_nametable', /* name table */
)), $data);
if ($this->header->magic != self::AMX_MAGIC) {
trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid magic: %04x.', $this->header->magic), E_USER_WARNING);
$data .= fread($fp, $this->header->cod);
$this->header->num_publics = ($this->header->offset_natives - $this->header->offset_publics) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_natives = ($this->header->offset_libraries - $this->header->offset_natives) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_libraries = ($this->header->offset_pubvars - $this->header->offset_libraries) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_pubvars = ($this->header->offset_tags - $this->header->offset_pubvars) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->num_tags = ($this->header->offset_nametable - $this->header->offset_tags) / $this->header->defsize;
$this->header->publics = array();
$this->header->natives = array();
$this->header->libraries = array();
$this->header->pubvars = array();
$this->header->tags = array();
$pos = $this->header->offset_publics;
foreach (array('publics', 'natives', 'libraries', 'pubvars', 'tags') as $entry) {
$numvar = "num_$entry";
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->header->$numvar; $i++) {
$info = (object) unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/Vname", $data);
$pos += 8;
$info->name = substr($data, $info->name, 64);
$info->name = strstr($info->name, "\0", true);
// Strange PHP behavior lead me to this..
$ar = &$this->header->$entry;
$ar[$info->name] = $info->address;
// Is there debug information?
if (filesize($this->file) > $this->header->size) {
fseek($fp, $this->header->size);
$data = fread($fp, filesize($this->file) - $this->header->size);
$pos = 0;
$this->debug = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vsize', /* size of the debug information chunk */
'vmagic', /* signature, must be 0xf1ef */
'cfile_version', /* file format version */
'camx_version', /* required version of the AMX */
'vnum_flags', /* currently unused */
'vnum_files', /* number of entries in the "file" table */
'vnum_lines', /* number of entries in the "line" table */
'vnum_symbols', /* number of entries in the "symbol" table */
'vnum_tags', /* number of entries in the "tag" table */
'vnum_automatons', /* number of entries in the "automaton" table */
'vnum_states', /* number of entries in the "state" table */
)), $data);
$pos += 22;
$this->debug->files = array();
$this->debug->lines = array();
$this->debug->symbols = array();
$this->debug->tags = array();
$this->debug->automatons = array();
$this->debug->states = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_files; $i++) {
$file = (object) unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/a1024name", $data);
$file->name = strstr($file->name, "\0", true);
$pos += 4 + strlen($file->name) + 1;
$this->debug->files[] = $file;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_lines; $i++) {
$line = unpack("@$pos/Vaddress/Vline", $data);
$this->debug->lines[$line['address']] = $line['line'];
$pos += 8;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_symbols; $i++) {
$symbol = (object) unpack(implode('/', array(
'Vaddress', /* address in the data segment or relative to the frame */
'vtag', /* tag for the symbol */
'Vcodestart', /* address in the code segment from which this symbol is valid (in scope) */
'Vcodeend', /* address in the code segment until which this symbol is valid (in scope) */
'cident', /* kind of symbol (function/variable) */
'cvclass', /* class of symbol (global/local) */
'vdim', /* number of dimensions */
)), $data);
$pos += 4+2+4+4+1+1+2;
$symbol->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$symbol->name = strstr($symbol->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($symbol->name) + 1;
if ($symbol->dim) {
$dim = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < $symbol->dim; $j++) {
$dim[] = (object) unpack("@$pos/vtag/Vsize", $data);
$pos += 2 + 4;
$symbol->dim = $dim;
} else {
$symbol->dim = array();
$this->debug->symbols[] = $symbol;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_tags; $i++) {
$tag = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid", $data);
$pos += 2;
$tag->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$tag->name = strstr($tag->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($tag->name) + 1;
$this->debug->tags[$tag->id] = $tag->name;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_automatons; $i++) {
$automaton = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid/Vaddress", $data);
$pos += 2 + 4;
$automaton->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$automaton->name = strstr($automaton->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($automaton->name) + 1;
$this->debug->automatons[$automaton->id] = (object) array(
'address' => $automaton->address,
'name' => $automaton->name
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->debug->num_states; $i++) {
$state = (object) unpack("@$pos/vid/vautomaton", $data);
$pos += 2 + 2;
$state->name = substr($data, $pos, 64);
$state->name = strstr($state->name, "\0", true);
$pos += strlen($state->name) + 1;
$this->debug->states[] = $state;
public function save() {
if ($this->debug) {
$debug_output = pack(
foreach ($this->debug->files as $file)
$debug_output .= pack('V', $file->address) . "$file->name\0";
foreach ($this->debug->lines as $address => $line)
$debug_output .= pack('VV', $address, $line);
foreach ($this->debug->symbols as $symbol) {
$debug_output .= pack(
) . "$symbol->name\0";
foreach ($symbol->dim as $dim)
$debug_output .= pack('vV', $dim->tag, $dim->size);
foreach ($this->debug->tags as $id => $tag)
$debug_output .= pack('v', $id) . "$tag\0";
foreach ($this->debug->automatons as $id => $automaton)
$debug_output .= pack('vV', $id, $automaton->address) . "$automaton->name\0";
foreach ($this->debug->states as $state)
$debug_output .= pack('vv', $state->id, $state->automaton) . "$state->name\0";
if (($fp = fopen($this->file, 'a'))) {
fseek($fp, $this->header->size);
ftruncate($fp, $this->header->size);
fwrite($fp, $debug_output);
} else {
return false;
return true;
where i must put this?
$amx = new AMX('/path/to/amx.amx'); print_r($amx); and i have to change "amx.amx" with "nameofgm.amx" ? i did this $amx = new AMX('abcd/abcd/bare.amx'); print_r($amx); |
Can we use external links ?
Example: http://myawesomewebsite.com/files/gamemode.amx ? Sorry for my bad english. |