[HELP] Dialog Title

Hey guys i gotta a Dialog witch is in that code:

pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/props", tmpcmd, true, 10) == 0)
        new strd[2100];        
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"As propriedades sгo outra forma de sustento no servidor.\n\n");        
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sCada propriedade tem um preзo e um rendimento definido.\n\n", strd);    
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sQuando o dono nгo estб conectado no servidor a propriedade\nnгo pode ser comprada.\n\n", strd);    
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sQuando recйm comprada, outro jogador precisa esperar\n%d minutos para recomprar a propriedade.\n\n", strd, UNBUYABLETIME);
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sO dono de uma propriedade recebe 50 %% do valor original\n da propriedade quando ela й comprada ou vendida.\n\n", strd);        
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sO rendimento das propriedades й dado а cada minuto.\n\n", strd);        
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sA cada 2 scores vocк pode comprar mais uma propriedade.\n\n", strd);
        format(strd, sizeof(strd),"%sClique no botгo 'Minhas' para ver suas propriedades. \n\n", strd);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 62, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{006600}Brasil {FFFF00}War{004DFF}Zone{bebebe} v4.1 - Sistema de Propriedades", strd, "Fechar", "Minhas");
        return 1;        
But the dialog Title in Game is showing:

"Brasil WarZone v4.1 - Sistema de" So the word "Propriedades" is missing... I have already changed the array from 2000 to 2100 but i had the same result...

What is it wrong? I am using SAMP 0.3c RC2 but dont think thats the problem...

Thats alot of text in a Dialog, idk but there might be a limit for characther length in dialog, just like in textdraws.

naah... thats not the problem i got a dialog bigger than this one... like the whole screen

Quote from SA-MP wiki:

The length of the caption can not exceed more than 64 characters before it starts to cut off.


This is what i do,

pawn Код:
#define SPAWNER_1   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_1   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_2   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_4   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_5   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_6   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_7   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_8   "TEXT HERE\n"
#define SPAWNER_9   "TEXT HERE\n"

pawn Код:
stock putnamehere(playerid)
    CMDSString = "";
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_1);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_2);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_3);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_4);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_5);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_6);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_7);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_8);
    strcat(CMDSString, SPAWNER_9);
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogID, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "(top dialog text name here)", CMDSString, "Play", "Cancel");
    return 1;
Then for the command,

pawn Код:
Works fine for me and i have dialogs with over 1500 - 3000 characters in them.

EDIT: Just relised that i thought you was talking about something esle so ignore me, Maybe the Hex Codes is included in the 64 character limit.

I will leave the top pawn code i replyed with just incase it helps someone.

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