Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to!

Yeah the title pretty much says it all I am looking for a PHP scripter that knows how to make a Control panel for SAMP hosting. If you are willing to help you will get 50% profits , the website is cosmichosting.sytes.net

forgot to mesion my MSN is veerank12@live.com

Please anyone

1. No double posting is allowed here.
2. No-one i repeat no-one will help you out here, you need an budget to start off.
3. The website is "hosted" at an free domain hoster, that is currently off charts.


1. Was bumping since went to 7th page
2. Someone was helping but lost MSN
3. using No-IP to start then when everything is finished will switch to .com .net DNS


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