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Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - Printable Version

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Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - CosmicHosting - 17.06.2011

Yeah the title pretty much says it all I am looking for a PHP scripter that knows how to make a Control panel for SAMP hosting. If you are willing to help you will get 50% profits , the website is

Re: Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - CosmicHosting - 17.06.2011

forgot to mesion my MSN is

Re: Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - CosmicHosting - 18.06.2011

Please anyone

Re: Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - Cameltoe - 18.06.2011

1. No double posting is allowed here.
2. No-one i repeat no-one will help you out here, you need an budget to start off.
3. The website is "hosted" at an free domain hoster, that is currently off charts.


Re: Looking for PHP scripter to help with hosting site will give 50% of profits to! - CosmicHosting - 18.06.2011

1. Was bumping since went to 7th page
2. Someone was helping but lost MSN
3. using No-IP to start then when everything is finished will switch to .com .net DNS
