[BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync


i found out some vehicle synchronisation problems since the new streaming system in 0.3a...

some explanation:

public UpdateVehicleAfterNumberplateChange(vehicleid)
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot;
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x, y, z);
 	GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
 	SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x,y,z);
 	SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
	return 1;
When i use this function. Affected vehicles wont sync properly to players who werent streamed in to the vehicle when it respawned. (position and rotation)

>> Explanation 2:
-player x exits the vehicle and enters an interior
-change vehicle numberplate and respawn it (using function above) while player is in Interior
-player x exits interior and see the vehicle with wrong ZAngle and some Coordinates near the original one

Sorry if someone else already reported this bug!
I hope this "bug" could be fixed in the upcoming release 0.3c and sry for my noobish english

Yeah, I've noticed this happening since 0.3 came out.

After respawn cars are spawned in correct positions, but rotations are all f*ckd up.

In this case positions are bugged too

Noticed it since 0.3a too..^^

I havn't seen this before. :S

you can use my code snippet and test it by yourself ^^

Originally Posted by JayTea
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you can use my code snippet and test it by yourself ^^
Nah, I'm finalizing my TDM atm.

Originally Posted by JayTea
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i found out some vehicle synchronisation problems since the new streaming system in 0.3a...

some explanation:

public UpdateVehicleAfterNumberplateChange(vehicleid)
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot;
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x, y, z);
 	GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
 	SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x,y,z);
 	SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
	return 1;
When i use this function. Affected vehicles wont sync properly to players who werent streamed in to the vehicle when it respawned. (position and rotation)

>> Explanation 2:
-player x exits the vehicle and enters an interior
-change vehicle numberplate and respawn it (using function above) while player is in Interior
-player x exits interior and see the vehicle with wrong ZAngle and some Coordinates near the original one

Sorry if someone else already reported this bug!
I hope this "bug" could be fixed in the upcoming release 0.3c and sry for my noobish english
I agree with this, but normally the rotations arent VERY different, its only a couple of degrees... - Which makes me think it could just be the way they land after respawn (they drop about 0.1 meters to reach floor usually)

I've had this since 0.3a too. Although the rotations are usually off by very miniscule amounts (around 5 either way) so doesn't make too much difference.

ye i hope they could find the bug soon ^^

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