31.07.2010, 13:23
i have a problem with the auto gates. here is the code i dont why they dont move it seems ok no errors.
pls help me!!!
forward SouthernCopGate(); forward SouthernCopGateClose(); new southcopgate; new westcopgate; new GateSouthern =0; // closed new GateWestern =0; // closed OnGameModeInit() { southcopgate = CreateObject(16775, 2320.6426,2445.9233,5.2734, 0,0,90.0); //lvpd southern gate westcopgate = CreateObject(16775, 2294.1990,2500.2039,4.2959, 0,0,90.0); //lvpd western gate SetTimer("SouthernCopGate",1000,1); SetTimer("WesternCopGate",1000,1); return 1; } public SouthernCopGate() { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsSpawned[i] == 1) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); if(x >= 2321.0969 && x <= 2336.8127 && y >= 2439.5466 && y <= 2451.8848 || x >= 2310.2278 && x <= 2320.1902 && y >= 2440.9089 && y <= 2452.2144) { if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_COPS) { if(GateSouthern == 0) // closed { MoveObject(southcopgate, 2320.6426,2445.9233,-2.0000, 2); GateSouthern =1; // open SetTimer("SouthernCopGateClose",5000,0); } } } } } } public SouthernCopGateClose() { if(GateSouthern == 1) // open { MoveObject(southcopgate, 2320.6426,2445.9233,5.2734, 2); GateSouthern =0; // closed } } public WesternCopGate() { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsSpawned[i] == 1) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); if(x >= 2284.3335 && x <= 2304.8169 && y >= 2492.2542 && y <= 2502.3809) { if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_COPS) { if(GateWestern == 0) // closed { MoveObject(westcopgate, 2294.1990,2510.2039,4.2959, 2); GateWestern =1; // open SetTimer("WesternCopGateClose",5000,0); } } } } } } public WesternCopGateClose() { if(GateWestern == 1) // open { MoveObject(westcopgate, 2294.1990,2500.2039,4.2959, 2); GateWestern =0; // closed } }