[FilterScript] PRace System + Race Editor v1.1

Originally Posted by vyper
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Nice script

Maybe translate all variables & functions in english too?
If you want , maybe in the next version
I'm planning AutoVelox & chase races similar to need for speed ones.

Yes when a race does not exist it return back that message, don't worry it's not a problem :/ If you see in scripfiles/Races it's obvious why ...

Originally Posted by Phanto90
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If you want , maybe in the next version
I'm planning AutoVelox & chase races similar to need for speed ones.
I already did something similar to that nfs chase but it's a bit buggy so i hope you're going to make it better

I've already done in a GM called "Shell City Need For Speed" and works perfectly, also with a nice textdraw system showing the distance between the chased and the hunter xD
I didn't published it on forum samp because it's a 10000 lines gamemode released for italian server.
But it's cool (A sort of RACE-RP) with a lot of features xD
Maybe i will post here too, but i doubt most of users will understand italian LOL

You don't have to post the whole gamemode

Just include the chase system in this race script if you say it works good... ofc. if you want to

Well the chasing system is not a problem, obviously, i'm planning the best way to read from the race file wether a race is an autovelox one or a chasing one xD
The original gamemode lacks of the autovelox system because i've had some problem with it, but with this simply fs i think that all will go fine.

You can make a simple command like /challenge (playerid) or /carduel (playerid) and the other one will get dialog with accept and decline for the chase system and not a race type

Well the basic chase system was actually a bit complex LoL
It works as the race system you saw (this one), but has a limit of 2 player per race chase type.
The autovelox system i think i will check the velocity on player enter race checkpoint and should be fine with some nice textdraw showing the total miles per hour
I have to say that this FS isn't my priority now, to me is only some kinda boring FS i do in free time, so i did not even give much importance to it xD

2 questions.

1. how can i make it that when a player selects a race, and goes to the start cp, that his vehicle teleports with the person? Because now it only teleports the player without vehicle when selecting a race.
2. how do i change the italian names, such as 'vai!'. I want to change this in "go!". I cant seem to find this in the script :S

Help is appreciated. Wonderfull script

Originally Posted by Stigg
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Knock up a English version. Wont take long.
Off to test the multirace.

Current version has english language. Only functions and variabile names are not english.

I cant' wait the chase race upgrade How much work did you done?

Well the chase system is yet ready, but i need to improve some aspects as textdraw signin distance , score and others. Actually i did not spend much time on Pawno so it could take longer than you expect.

God job , gonna wait for the update :P

Hey Phanto , casualmente ho letto la tua discussione ( Can I speak Italian with You ? )
Volevo dirti che quando faccio /Race , mi esce il Dialog, seleziono una gara E NON SUCCEDE NULLA !

very nice

Coool , nice one!

Good news guys. PRace System v1.2 is finished. I added a new type of race ("Chase").
Give me some minutes to release

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