Is it possible to make an object transferable (no collision)?

When attaching an object to a vehicle with a collision disabled, the other players collide with the object attached. Any way to make the object have no collision?


use ColAndreas.

Originally Posted by Alteh
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use ColAndreas.
ColAndreas cannot make an object non-collidable.

You generally cannot toggle Object Collisions. The only thing you could do is adding the model as custom model using 0.3DL, but this time without collision.

There is something you could try and prototype and test.

- Put NPC in vehicle
- Use a player attached object on the NPC

Don't know the results you will get but it could give you a semi-acceptable result at least you will be able to scale objects.

Typically when I create a system like this I write out all the functions I think I will need before scripting them. I start with the desired function the best example would be CA_RayCastLine() that took two years development from many people. For most systems it won't take you two years to get there most should be done in a day or even a couple hours.

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