11.07.2018, 17:55
When i use this command and added to the server. then i restart and the trailer not facing where i print it facing.
CMD:printtrailer(playerid, params[]) { SaveTrailers(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "Saved this Trailer"); return 1; }
stock SaveTrailers(trailerID) { new sz_Entry[128], File: fileHandle = fopen("trailers.txt", io_append), Float:tmpCoords[3]; new trailerModel = GetVehicleModel(trailerID); GetVehiclePos(trailerID, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2]); format(sz_Entry, sizeof(sz_Entry), "Trailer - CreateVehicle(%d, %f, %f, %f, 0, -1, -1, 6000000);", trailerModel, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2]); fwrite(fileHandle, sz_Entry); return fclose(fileHandle); }