CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
DerickClark - 11.07.2018
When i use this command and added to the server. then i restart and the trailer not facing where i print it facing.
CMD:printtrailer(playerid, params[])
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "Saved this Trailer");
return 1;
stock SaveTrailers(trailerID)
File: fileHandle = fopen("trailers.txt", io_append),
new trailerModel = GetVehicleModel(trailerID);
GetVehiclePos(trailerID, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2]);
format(sz_Entry, sizeof(sz_Entry), "Trailer - CreateVehicle(%d, %f, %f, %f, 0, -1, -1, 6000000);", trailerModel, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2]);
fwrite(fileHandle, sz_Entry);
return fclose(fileHandle);
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
Caessius - 11.07.2018
You should save the facing Z angle. Save the value of GetVehicleZAngle and set that value again using SetVehicleZAngle.
So basically, you code will become:
pawn Код:
stock SaveTrailers(trailerID)
File: fileHandle = fopen("trailers.txt", io_append),
new trailerModel = GetVehicleModel(trailerID);
GetVehiclePos(trailerID, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2]);
GetVehicleZAngle(trailerID, tmpCoords[3]);
format(sz_Entry, sizeof(sz_Entry), "Trailer - CreateVehicle(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, 0, -1, -1, 6000000);", trailerModel, tmpCoords[0], tmpCoords[1], tmpCoords[2], tmpCoords[3]);
fwrite(fileHandle, sz_Entry);
return fclose(fileHandle);
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
DerickClark - 11.07.2018
Originally Posted by Caessius
You should save the facing Z angle. Save the value of GetVehicleZAngle and set that value again using SetVehicleZAngle.
Will it works with trailer? edit: Testing it right now.
Edit again:
It seems like it works. but the trailer model printing the wrong number id.
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
Caessius - 11.07.2018
Originally Posted by DerickClark
Will it works with trailer?
I'm certainly not sure about it, but worth a try mate.. It's probably the only callback I'd use for working with facing angles related to vehicles.
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
DerickClark - 11.07.2018
Originally Posted by Caessius
I'm certainly not sure about it, but worth a try mate.. It's probably the only callback I'd use for working with facing angles related to vehicles.
It worked but the only problem is. When i connect trailer to the truck. but it print the truck id. instead of trailer id
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
Caessius - 11.07.2018
Because you're getting the player's vehicle ID instead of trailers here @
pawn Код:
new trailerModel = GetVehicleModel(trailerID);
Could you show me how you create the trailer?
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
DerickClark - 11.07.2018
Originally Posted by Caessius
Because you're getting the player's vehicle ID instead of trailers here @
pawn Код:
new trailerModel = GetVehicleModel(trailerID);
Could you show me how you create the trailer?
I connect the truck to the trailer. and use /printtrailer then it will send the Trailer ID to the text file.
Re: CMD: Trailer [Not facing the right way] -
ItsRobinson - 11.07.2018
Originally Posted by DerickClark
I connect the truck to the trailer. and use /printtrailer then it will send the Trailer ID to the text file.
Nah you're sending the vehicle ID that the players driving and then getting the model of that ID, do this
SaveTrailers(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid)));