
Hey everybody!
I'm looking for someone who is a bit pro with scripting can fix some bugs in my Script, i just want to add pickups, player spawns, objects etc. i tried alot to add them but nothing works i think there is something wrong :/.
Whoever want to help me with this he will get a reward in my server and i will add him in my server's credits as well.
I will appreciate every one who will try to help me,
Hope anyone help me with this scripts.
Thank you.

Where you add The Pickup,objects,etc.. ?
OnPlayerSpawn ? OnPlayerConnect or OnGamemodeinit/OnFilterscriptini ?

For Player Spawns You can Use AddPlayerClass or SetPlayerPos. You can use CreatePickup for creating pickups. You can use Samp Map Editor to create Objects and edt your map.

I want to put those things on my gamemode, but when i login/die i respawn to SF ...
I want someone who can use teamviewer and fix it for me, i tried all this but its still show errors ..

So You want Random Spawns

Give me the co's of the places where you want the player to respawn

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