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Help - TwiiKzz - 26.01.2016

Hey everybody!
I'm looking for someone who is a bit pro with scripting can fix some bugs in my Script, i just want to add pickups, player spawns, objects etc. i tried alot to add them but nothing works i think there is something wrong :/.
Whoever want to help me with this he will get a reward in my server and i will add him in my server's credits as well.
I will appreciate every one who will try to help me,
Hope anyone help me with this scripts.
Thank you.

Re: Help - Amunra - 26.01.2016

Where you add The Pickup,objects,etc.. ?
OnPlayerSpawn ? OnPlayerConnect or OnGamemodeinit/OnFilterscriptini ?

Re: Help - Compiler - 26.01.2016

For Player Spawns You can Use AddPlayerClass or SetPlayerPos. You can use CreatePickup for creating pickups. You can use Samp Map Editor to create Objects and edt your map.

Re: Help - TwiiKzz - 26.01.2016

I want to put those things on my gamemode, but when i login/die i respawn to SF ...
I want someone who can use teamviewer and fix it for me, i tried all this but its still show errors ..

Re: Help - Compiler - 27.01.2016

So You want Random Spawns

Re: Help - Compiler - 27.01.2016

Give me the co's of the places where you want the player to respawn