06.11.2015, 22:51
Последний раз редактировалось Hayden_Almeida; 07.11.2015 в 00:06.
Hello guys, i create one code to create new file or read from this:
In the top of GameMode i have 2 variables:
I want to load the values of "Dinheiro" and "Materiais" into "DPLS_cash" and "DPLS_materiais" respectively.
For now i have these errors:
Line 580 and 581 is the RED painted
public DPLS() { if(fexist("DMRPG/Buildings/DPLS.ini")) { new INI:ini = INI_Open("DMRPG/Buildings/DPLS.ini"); INI_Int("Dinheiro",DPLS_cash); INI_Int("Materiais",DPLS_materiais); INI_Close(ini); } else // se nгo existe irб criar o arquivo { new INI:ini = INI_Open("DMRPG/Buildings/DPLS.ini"); INI_SetTag(ini, "DPLS VARs"); INI_WriteInt(ini, "Dinheiro", 1001); INI_WriteInt(ini, "Materiais", 1002); INI_Close(ini); } return 1; }
new DPLS_cash; new DPLS_materiais;
For now i have these errors:
\SAMP - SERVER\samp037_svr_R2-1-1_win32\gamemodes\HA-GM.pwn(580) : error 017: undefined symbol "name" \SAMP - SERVER\samp037_svr_R2-1-1_win32\gamemodes\HA-GM.pwn(580) : error 017: undefined symbol "value" \SAMP - SERVER\samp037_svr_R2-1-1_win32\gamemodes\HA-GM.pwn(581) : error 017: undefined symbol "name" \SAMP - SERVER\samp037_svr_R2-1-1_win32\gamemodes\HA-GM.pwn(581) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"