Crashes 15 minutes into the game

I am experiencing predictable crashes approximately 15-20 minutes into game play. But not on every occasion. For example, I could drive around on Faggio about half an hour, then go AFK, and the game wouldn't crash. Crashing seems to depend on what activities I do. It occurs on different servers (I tried four so far).

Upon a crash, the screen flashes once, sometimes a foreign object pops up into the center of the picture. (It tends to be a speed camera on the International Trucking server, and a colorful mannequin on the Inglewood RP server.) Then I am returned to Windows with a crash dump window. Then one of the following happens.

1) Screen switches to 4-bit mode. When I close the crash dialog to end SA-MP, the monitor turns off. I can reboot the system cleanly with keystrokes. If I switch color depth to 32-bit, while the crash dump is open, video remains up. If I connect 2 monitors, none remain up.

2) Video mode remains what I had in the game, and cannot be switched anymore until a reboot. MSI Afterburner shows about ~180 MB of video ram "in use" as if the game was still running. Games that can work in the present resolution without switching can still be started.

I have searched the forum and found the following related posts.

after such crash my complete screensettings go wild. My mainmonitor (the one I play on) gets shutdown and everything goes to my secondairy monitor (then it became the main one with the correct resolution). Normally if I set my screensettings, no reboot is required, but now it askes for reboot or it just won't change.

man the best solution is that you buy a new computer hehe because this problem has no solution

That may very well be the case, since my system is older one running XP (3 GB RAM, nVidia GT 610). But Single Player SA never crashes. I am also able to run games such as NFS:MW and Euro Truck Simulator 2. I have reduced the frame limiter to 25 (from 50) and turned video effects down to Low, to make MP of similar complexity to the normal game. But crashes keep occurring.

Crash on International Trucking server (same address).

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x007F5A3A
Base: 0x02740000

EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00000DE4	ECX: 0x00000001	EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x20BA68A0	EDI: 0x036F2E58	EBP: 0x0022FC34	ESP: 0x0022FB34
EFLAGS: 0x00010206

+0000: 0x00000000   0x036F2E58   0x00000000   0x00000002
+0010: 0x00757C76   0x00000DE4   0x036F2E68   0x036F2E58
+0020: 0x20C7E2E0   0x036F2EE0   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0030: 0x20C77E70   0x00000002   0x0324E5B6   0x00000008
+0040: 0x0000006F   0x00000001   0x04000008   0x0022FBBC
+0050: 0x00000001   0x8007000E   0x00000AF0   0x00000000
+0060: 0x000A0004   0x00000001   0x00000002   0x000C0001
+0070: 0x00050001   0x000000FF   0x00000011   0x015B1020
+0080: 0x036F2E58   0x00000000   0x0022FBF0   0x03242342
+0090: 0x015B1020   0x00000AF0   0x00000008   0x00000065
+00A0: 0x00000001   0x8007000E   0x0324234F   0x036F2E60
+00B0: 0x00000578   0x015B1024   0x00000000   0x20C7E2B8
+00C0: 0x00730734   0x015B1020   0x00000AF0   0x00000008
+00D0: 0x00000065   0x00000001   0x036F2E60   0x00000000
+00E0: 0x036F2E40   0x035F0020   0x000000A0   0x00000088
+00F0: 0x007578C0   0x00000000   0x004C9981   0x00000563
+0100: 0x036F2EE4   0x00756D25   0x11A32CE4   0x036F2E58
+0110: 0x00000000   0x20C77E70   0x007578C0   0x03118E38
+0120: 0x11A32CE4   0x036F2E40   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0130: 0x00000000   0x20C7E2E0   0x00000000   0x036F2E60
+0140: 0x0075773B   0x11A32CE4   0x00000000   0x036F2EE0
+0150: 0x00000000   0x20C7E2B8   0x007578C0   0x00000000
+0160: 0x00000000   0x03110E1C   0x11A32CE4   0x0000002F
+0170: 0x00000024   0x00000001   0x03659CA4   0x00805769
+0180: 0x0000006F   0x00C9BC50   0x20C77E70   0x11A32CE4
+0190: 0x007491E4   0x03110E1C   0x11A32CE4   0x00000001
+01A0: 0x00000002   0x007324D8   0x11A32CE4   0x028F58C8
+01B0: 0x028F58C8   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x0022FFFF
+01C0: 0x0322C77C   0x015B13B4   0x015B1020   0x0022FD0C
+01D0: 0x03230D0E   0x015AC7E8   0x0022FD28   0x032411B8
+01E0: 0x015AC7E8   0x03109FC0   0x03109FC0   0x0025F6EC
+01F0: 0x00000000   0x03109FF4   0x007F96F8   0x015B1024
+0200: 0x00000037   0x00000000   0x0000001A   0x00000003
+0210: 0x0022FD74   0x03287AAF   0x0000008C   0x00000003
+0220: 0x0000001A   0x00BB4240   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0230: 0x0022FD54   0x0022FFB0   0x03381560   0x00000000
+0240: 0x00000000   0x3EEE0CCD   0x015B1020   0x0000008C
+0250: 0x77D68E69   0x00732639   0x11A32CE4   0x00000000
+0260: 0x02E24918   0x00732BDC   0x028F58C8   0x11A32CE4
+0270: 0x00000000   0x77D68E69   0x0000001A   0x0313FEA8

SCM Op: 0x470, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 1294

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
P1 (0,0) 

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x007F5A3A
Base: 0x02740000

EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00000340	ECX: 0x00000001	EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x20B019E4	EDI: 0x036E1FB8	EBP: 0x0022FC30	ESP: 0x0022FB34
EFLAGS: 0x00010206

+0000: 0x00000000   0x036E1FB8   0x00000000   0x00000002
+0010: 0x00757C76   0x00000340   0x036E1FC8   0x036E1FB8
+0020: 0x20C06AA0   0x036E2040   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0030: 0x20C04D88   0x00000002   0x1D907020   0x00000008
+0040: 0x0000006F   0x04000008   0x0022FBB8   0x0324E8F1
+0050: 0x00000001   0x00000708   0x00000008   0x00000000
+0060: 0x000A0004   0x00000001   0x00000002   0x000C0001
+0070: 0x00050001   0x000000FF   0x00000011   0x036E1FB8
+0080: 0x00000000   0x0022FBEC   0x03242342   0x015B1020
+0090: 0x00000708   0x00000008   0x00000065   0x00000001
+00A0: 0x8007000E   0x0324234F   0x036E1FC0   0x00000384
+00B0: 0x015B1024   0x00000000   0x20C06A78   0x00730734
+00C0: 0x015B1020   0x00000708   0x00000008   0x00000065
+00D0: 0x00000001   0x036E1FC0   0x00000000   0x036E1FA0
+00E0: 0x035F0020   0x000000A0   0x00000088   0x007578C0
+00F0: 0x00000000   0x004C9981   0x00000348   0x036E2044
+0100: 0x00756D25   0x2092EFC0   0x036E1FB8   0x00000000
+0110: 0x20C04D88   0x007578C0   0x03118E38   0x2092EFC0
+0120: 0x036E1FA0   0x00000001   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0130: 0x20C06AA0   0x00000000   0x036E1FC0   0x0075773B
+0140: 0x2092EFC0   0x00000000   0x036E2040   0x00000000
+0150: 0x20C06A78   0x007578C0   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0160: 0x03110E1C   0x2092EFC0   0x0000002F   0x03643684
+0170: 0x03643684   0x20B4B700   0x00805769   0x0000006F
+0180: 0x00C9BC50   0x20C04D88   0x2092EFC0   0x007491E4
+0190: 0x03110E1C   0x2092EFC0   0x00000001   0x00000002
+01A0: 0x007324D8   0x2092EFC0   0x028DD548   0x028DD548
+01B0: 0x00000001   0x00000000   0x005DFFFF   0x00000001
+01C0: 0x00000018   0x00000000   0x00000001   0x0000000B
+01D0: 0x00000001   0x00000001   0x00000004   0x00000001
+01E0: 0x00000001   0x00000001   0x00000001   0x2099ACA0
+01F0: 0x036435C0   0x03118E38   0x00000001   0x00757877
+0200: 0x036435C0   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x0000002F
+0210: 0x00000000   0x03110E1C   0x77D68E69   0x00000000
+0220: 0x00000001   0x3F8CCCCD   0x3F666666   0xBCFECCC0
+0230: 0x0000002F   0x3F800001   0x028BA248   0x00000002
+0240: 0x00000000   0x3FFC04CD   0x04B756D8   0x77D68E69
+0250: 0x00732639   0x2092EFC0   0x00000001   0x02E57010
+0260: 0x00732BDC   0x028DD548   0x2092EFC0   0x00000001
+0270: 0x77D68E69   0x0000001A   0x0313F874   0x00733F2A

SCM Op: 0x685, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 1399

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
P2 (0,0)

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x007F5A3A
Base: 0x02740000

EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00000724	ECX: 0x00000001	EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x2162CFD0	EDI: 0x036F6398	EBP: 0x0022FCF0	ESP: 0x0022FBF4
EFLAGS: 0x00010202

+0000: 0x00000000   0x036F6398   0x00000000   0x00000002
+0010: 0x00757C76   0x00000724   0x036F63A8   0x036F6398
+0020: 0x2131B4BC   0x036F63FC   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0030: 0x21318008   0x00000002   0x1EA7B300   0x00000008
+0040: 0x0000002F   0x04000008   0x0022FC78   0x0324E8F1
+0050: 0x00000001   0x00000578   0x00000008   0x00000000
+0060: 0x000A0004   0x00000001   0x00000002   0x000C0001
+0070: 0x00050001   0x000000FF   0x00000011   0x036F6398
+0080: 0x00000000   0x0022FCAC   0x03242342   0x015B1020
+0090: 0x00000578   0x00000008   0x00000065   0x00000001
+00A0: 0x8007000E   0x0324234F   0x036F63A0   0x000002BC
+00B0: 0x015B1024   0x00000000   0x2131B4A0   0x00730734
+00C0: 0x015B1020   0x00000578   0x00000008   0x00000065
+00D0: 0x00000001   0x036F63A0   0x00000000   0x036F6380
+00E0: 0x035F0020   0x0000007C   0x00000064   0x007578C0
+00F0: 0x00000000   0x004C9981   0x000002A0   0x036F6400
+0100: 0x00756D25   0x212F3BBC   0x036F6398   0x00000000
+0110: 0x21318008   0x007578C0   0x031864B8   0x212F3BBC
+0120: 0x036F6380   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0130: 0x2131B4BC   0x00000000   0x036F63A0   0x0075773B
+0140: 0x212F3BBC   0x00000000   0x036F63FC   0x00000000
+0150: 0x2131B4A0   0x007578C0   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0160: 0x03110C8C   0x77D68E69   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0170: 0x3F8CCCCD   0x3F666666   0x00805769   0x0000002F
+0180: 0x00C9BC50   0x0000002B   0x212F3BBC   0x007491E4
+0190: 0x03110C8C   0x212F3BBC   0x00000001   0x02DDF2F0
+01A0: 0x0053439A   0x212F3BBC   0x02DDF2F0   0x00000000
+01B0: 0x00553308   0x02DDF2F0   0x00553C57   0x02DDF200
+01C0: 0x0000001A   0x00000001   0x00004549   0x027E0367
+01D0: 0x0053DFE2   0x00000000   0x0053EAA6   0x0025F46C
+01E0: 0x0053EAC4   0x44000000   0x43C00000   0x0053ECC2
+01F0: 0x00000001   0x00619B71   0x0000001A   0x00000001
+0200: 0x00000001   0x0000000A   0x00748DA0   0x0000001A
+0210: 0x00000001   0x77E7AD86   0x00000000   0x0022FFC0
+0220: 0x7FFDF000   0x01250000   0x4D8CF402   0x03100048
+0230: 0x00000008   0x00000100   0x00000008   0x00000102
+0240: 0x44000000   0x43C00000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0250: 0x00000400   0x00000300   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0260: 0x004001D0   0x00000200   0x00000000   0x01800200
+0270: 0x131AC143   0x00000200   0x00000180   0x0000002C

SCM Op: 0x2BF, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 1226

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
Crash on some other role playing server:

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x004AA4FA
Base: 0x02740000

EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00000000	ECX: 0xFF00FFFF	EDX: 0x04CF9D00
ESI: 0xBF800000	EDI: 0x0022FB80	EBP: 0x0022FB50	ESP: 0x0022FAF8
EFLAGS: 0x00010206

+0000: 0x063A243C   0x00000800   0x00000002   0x063A23F8
+0010: 0x3F555556   0x04CF9D00   0x006DE6A5   0x0022FB68
+0020: 0x0022FB50   0x00000000   0x0022FB80   0xBF800000
+0030: 0x3EDDDDDF   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0040: 0x00000002   0x089FCB90   0x063A23F8   0x0000BE2F
+0050: 0x3E7C376F   0x3E49043C   0xBD6F7C44   0xBFE4A2E9
+0060: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0070: 0x450470F4   0xC4DF357F   0x414A6780   0xBE020C4A
+0080: 0xBF51CB3E   0xBEA2234E   0x3F666666   0x3F666666
+0090: 0x3F800000   0x3E7C376F   0x3E4CCCCD   0x3F800000
+00A0: 0x3E49043C   0x3E020C4A   0xBF51CB3E   0xBEA2234E
+00B0: 0x397A7B3F   0x089A5600   0x004C9430   0x3F7FDB8F
+00C0: 0xBD06450A   0x3BC7BE2F   0x006D2CA7   0x3D06008D
+00D0: 0x3F7FD94A   0x3C2C656F   0x006DEBA6   0xBBD2ED6D
+00E0: 0xBC290875   0x3F7FFB27   0x00000000   0x45046F52
+00F0: 0xC4DF1B42   0x414F98A8   0x0071FAF6   0x00000000
+0100: 0x00000000   0x0022FDB8   0x008487F8   0x00000000
+0110: 0x006BD404   0x0000001A   0x00000023   0x77D68E69
+0120: 0x00000000   0x00DEF91B   0x45046EF6   0xC4DF3450
+0130: 0x41462FF8   0x3BF2242A   0x3F800000   0x0022FC48
+0140: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x406AE59A   0x45042F06   0xC4DEF91B
+0150: 0x45046F52   0xC4DF1B42   0x414F98B5   0x006FCC1A
+0160: 0x028BB268   0x0656F788   0x77D68E69   0x028BB268
+0170: 0x006FC827   0x00000002   0x3F800000   0x00000001
+0180: 0x45042F06   0xC4DEF91B   0x41A08CB3   0x00002B0C
+0190: 0x089FCB90   0x00000000   0x3F800000   0xC4DF7BC4
+01A0: 0x41D2E895   0x0000B03B   0x41700000   0x00000000
+01B0: 0x3F800000   0x0022FD9C   0x0666E620   0x00554840
+01C0: 0x0022FD00   0x028BB268   0x0070F9BD   0x028BB268
+01D0: 0x0070C758   0x04BC65F0   0x77D68E69   0x028C8728
+01E0: 0x0070F9BD   0x028BB268   0x00536B0C   0x0656F788
+01F0: 0x3F924DD3   0x3E147AE1   0x0654DF9C   0x00536033
+0200: 0x00000000   0x00535FBE   0x0000001A   0x0654DAC8
+0210: 0x77D68E69   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0220: 0x0000001A   0x0000001D   0x028BCC08   0x00000000
+0230: 0xC4A8A238   0xC39CB235   0x452255D2   0xC4F33712
+0240: 0x028C8728   0x451BE5EE   0xC4E98D71   0x42D547F5
+0250: 0x4512AE9C   0xC4B860BF   0x42D547F5   0x4516AE2F
+0260: 0xC4D707D9   0xC18534E9   0x4514D651   0xC4CD321B
+0270: 0xC18534E9   0x450EDA8F   0xC4BB3F74   0xC3499682

SCM Op: 0x470, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 970

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
P1 (0,0) P10 (0,0)
I've been looking like a "retard" quitting the game so many times. I'm new to multiplayer gaming.

Look, i have your same bug: after some minutes, sometimes an hour, sometimes half an hour, my game gets weird textures, and then it crashes showing your same exception code. Sometimes it changes the last letter, from A to B and C but still the same code.
Reinstalling samp wont fix it, reinstalling gta wont fix it, reinstalling gta in a new folder wont fix it, reinstalling your OS wont fix it, its SAMP related, they screw it up since last update, my game used to work like a champ until samp 0.3.7 got released.

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x007F5A3C
Base: 0x022D0000

EAX: 0x13B8A18C	EBX: 0x00000238	ECX: 0x00100013	EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x13B89FE4	EDI: 0x0324F6F8	EBP: 0x0022FC30	ESP: 0x0022FB34
EFLAGS: 0x00210206

+0000: 0x13B8A18C   0x0324F6F8   0x00000000   0x00000002
+0010: 0x00757C76   0x00000238   0x0324F708   0x0324F6F8
+0020: 0x2405BE94   0x0324F75C   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0030: 0x1292A698   0x00000002   0x1C914B20   0x00000008
+0040: 0x0000006F   0x04000008   0x0022FBB8   0x4FD5E731
+0050: 0x00000001   0x00000258   0x00000008   0x00000000
+0060: 0x000A0004   0x00000001   0x00000002   0x000C0001
+0070: 0x00050001   0x000000FF   0x00000011   0x0324F6F8
+0080: 0x00000000   0x0022FBEC   0x4FD52182   0x015AEFA0
+0090: 0x00000258   0x00000008   0x00000065   0x00000001
+00A0: 0x8007000E   0x4FD5218F   0x0324F700   0x0000012C
+00B0: 0x015AEFA4   0x00000000   0x2405BE78   0x00730734
+00C0: 0x015AEFA0   0x00000258   0x00000008   0x00000065
+00D0: 0x00000001   0x0324F700   0x00000000   0x0324F6E0
+00E0: 0x03140020   0x0000007C   0x00000064   0x007578C0
+00F0: 0x00000000   0x004C9981   0x000000D3   0x0324F760
+0100: 0x00756D25   0x1290E554   0x0324F6F8   0x00000000
+0110: 0x1292A698   0x007578C0   0x02D342B0   0x1290E554
+0120: 0x0324F6E0   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0130: 0x2405BE94   0x00000000   0x0324F700   0x0075773B
+0140: 0x1290E554   0x00000000   0x0324F75C   0x00000000
+0150: 0x2405BE78   0x007578C0   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0160: 0x02D314FC   0x1290E554   0x0000002F   0x00000001
+0170: 0x3F8CCCCD   0x3F666666   0x00805769   0x0000006F
+0180: 0x00C9BC50   0x1292A698   0x1290E554   0x007491E4
+0190: 0x02D314FC   0x1290E554   0x00000001   0x00000001
+01A0: 0x007324D8   0x1290E554   0x02466108   0x02466108
+01B0: 0x00000059   0x00000000   0xFFFFFFFF   0xFFFFFFFF
+01C0: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x00FFFFFF   0x00C4D958   0x00000018
+01D0: 0x0B3F06D8   0x00000004   0x00000001   0x00000000
+01E0: 0xBCF5C28F   0x00C9BC50   0x0000000D   0x00254FE4
+01F0: 0x007EF657   0x02D3135C   0x00254FE4   0x00000000
+0200: 0x00001964   0x00000000   0x006F0084   0x006F009E
+0210: 0x0000000D   0x00000000   0x0000001A   0x00000003
+0220: 0x0022FD84   0x4FD978EF   0x0000008C   0x3EF08000
+0230: 0x00000003   0x0022FD98   0x4FD978EF   0x00000059
+0240: 0x00000000   0x42B2F080   0x00000001   0x7E3ADEB2
+0250: 0x00732639   0x1290E554   0x00000059   0x0A35B150
+0260: 0x00732BDC   0x02466108   0x1290E554   0x00000059
+0270: 0x7E3ADEB2   0x0000001A   0x02D5FDA8   0x00733F2A

SCM Op: 0x6BD, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 5108

Game Version: US 1.0

State Information: Ped Context: 0
P0 (0,0) P1 (19,67) P2 (0,0) P3 (19,1288) 
P4 (0,0) P6 (0,0) P7 (0,0)

Do you guys have a legit version of the game installed (so not one of the folders with all the gamedata on those torrent sites, but the disk version)? This fixed my GTA:SA issues a lot of times, although I honestly don't know if they gave the same exceptions as you two.

Try updating your graphics driver.

I have a legit version of GTA which i been using the last 9 years, and i also own a steam version which i never installed. But this suddenly appeared after SAMP 0.3.7, how is it possible? I didn't edit anything from my game before and after the bugs.

Thank you for the reply, matute.

I haven't have the pleasure of playing previous versions of the game since I'm new. I suppose I must use the same version as the server. I have never installed any mods or cheating tools at all to this computer, apart from SA-MP. I haven't seen distorted geometry like in the other thread on this PC. When the objects popped up, they did so for short periods, and preceded the crash by seconds.

About memory. The game uses very little memory, same as in single player. "Streaming" memory climbs from 80 to 145 MB, and stays there. Video ram in use is 150 to 180 MB. I can't possibly tell what the utilization was at the exact moment of the crash. As we can see, all the "working set" is released already.

I got a "clean" crash this time. All video ram released, no visible glitches at all. I was just making money in Inglewood on a Pizzaboy. Staying within 2-3 territories of the map as opposed to driving to another city didn't extend play much past 30 minutes.

Changing the display driver is worth considering in the future. I expect it to possibly fix one game but break a couple others in the process... particularly "obsolete" ones...

Look, today i edited a setting at ATI Catalyst called Catalyst A.I from advanced to standard and didn't get this bug again today, i dont wanna call this a victory, but i will keep testing the game the following days and see if that was the issue. Try to check your videocard settings and edit them. I have to kept switching and testing but it looks like it worked now. I will update you soon about it.

Matute, what was the known good working version for you, and is there any server I can try it with?

I left the game running with CJ on foot and the camera facing a city, and went to sleep. After 7 hours it was still running and connected.

I also tried disabling the custom nvidia game profile for gta_sa, which reset all settings to low defaults, no AA or AF. The game looked like crap, but still crashed.

Originally Posted by j7n
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Matute, what was the known good working version for you, and is there any server I can try it with?

I left the game running with CJ on foot and the camera facing a city, and went to sleep. After 7 hours it was still running and connected.

I also tried disabling the custom nvidia game profile for gta_sa, which reset all settings to low defaults, no AA or AF. The game looked like crap, but still crashed.
I forgot to tell you about it, now i can play for about 1h30m sometimes 2 hours until it crashes again. Last working version was Samp 0.3z. Changing Catalyst AI did nothing, only gives me abit more fps.

My "workaround", which seems acceptable on Trucking servers, when working as a Trucker or maybe Courier, is to stay within a limited area of the world. For example, to drive from Bayside to LS along one route, let's say the LV motorway, and return via that particular route back to Tierra Robada, without touching Flint County. I have played for several hours without a crash this way, then I can re-log and service a different chain of cargo depots. It is possible to travel greater distances in the custom (simpler) section of TruckMania's world map before a crash is induced. (i.e. the crash has nothing to do with time elapsed, as I first assumed, but instead the "amount" of world loaded.)

This Post claims that version 344.75 of the driver works, without giving an explanation why that would be. (I'll try this when I have a strong reason to perform a low level reinstallation of the system.)

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