Weird random crashes

Hi all! Before you tell me to search the forum - I've already done it and didn't find anything similar. :P

I suffer from random crashes. After starting the game I can play for some time, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, an hour but I've never managed to start and quit SAMP without having a crash. At random moments (at random locations and servers while doing random things) the client crashes.

The problem is that it always reports something different - access violation, read memory problem, unexpected operation, no error message... After the crash you CANNOT START THE GAME AGAIN. When you try to connect to a server, you get a black screen for a while and then it goes back to Windows.. Another strange thing is that the Print Screen button DOESN'T WORK after the crash (checked 4 times, worked before)

I'm using WinXP 32bit, SAMP 0.2X (I've never ever had crashes with 0.2.2 R3), I don't have any mods in the game and I don't have the d3d9.dll file in game directory.

I'll try to add an error log soon...

man the best solution is that you buy a new computer hehe because this problem has no solution

Originally Posted by Cubano.
man the best solution is that you buy a new computer hehe because this problem has no solution
I lol'd.

Originally Posted by Marcus33
Hi all! Before you tell me to search the forum - I've already done it and didn't find anything similar. :P

I suffer from random crashes. After starting the game I can play for some time, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, an hour but I've never managed to start and quit SAMP without having a crash. At random moments (at random locations and servers while doing random things) the client crashes.

The problem is that it always reports something different - access violation, read memory problem, unexpected operation, no error message... After the crash you CANNOT START THE GAME AGAIN. When you try to connect to a server, you get a black screen for a while and then it goes back to Windows.. Another strange thing is that the Print Screen button DOESN'T WORK after the crash (checked 4 times, worked before)

I'm using WinXP 32bit, SAMP 0.2X (I've never ever had crashes with 0.2.2 R3), I don't have any mods in the game and I don't have the d3d9.dll file in game directory.

I'll try to add an error log soon...
Have you tried a clean install of GTA SA and SAMP?

Hi, sorry I'm replying so late.

Cubano thanks for the encouragement.
And SilentMouse, I've tried it. In fact this started happening after I installed GTA:SA and SAMP again after a year or so.

By the way, I tried to screenshot the error message but as I realised, the PrintScreen button didn't work (hah). The only thing I remember it that it was something about access violation from some strange number to 0x000000 (or something similar).

Also, I had a completely new error, this was an original one. It said: "Something bad happened in the application and it had to be terminated." (as if i didn't know that something bad happened... )

The game sometimes also starts changing the cars and building structure into TRIANGLES. So the whole city looks a bit semi-transparent, with grey triangles and transparent ones on some places...

If you're curious none of this happens in single-player and has not happened with previous SA-MP versions.

Bump. Guess what! Another crash, a brand new one. This time I got even the Blue Screen of Death and I took a photo.

Ok, so Windows thinks the problem is in ati3duag.dll, blah, blah, blah and then those numbers again (0x00000050), page fault in non-paged area.

Dude, these triangles = wireframe rendering mode.
I suggest you this:
1. reinstall GFX drivers
if that doesn't helps,
2. borrow a GFX card from a friend to check if it works
If it works - buy new GFX card, if it doesn't - problem is in OS or motherboard.

That always used to happen when i hawindows vista and i was playing san andreas SP or SAMP, since i downgraded to xp its never happened again

I had the same problem one year ago.
The only solution is:

buy a new GFX card


That BSOD is related to the Graphics First off all check

- You Have Latest Direct X
- You have latest graphics drivers

It seems you have an ATI card, so check the manufacturer for updates

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