17.05.2006, 18:15
This script supports only 0.1b, not 0.2.
Use "anticheat 1" in your server.cfg to enable anticheat in 0.2 and newer versions of sa-mp.
Ok I finished a cheatprotection, it can checks health, money, weapon and score cheating.Use "anticheat 1" in your server.cfg to enable anticheat in 0.2 and newer versions of sa-mp.
It is full customizable for serveradmins via DAntiCheat.ini in scriptfiles-directory and the gamemode.DAntiCheat.ini. Now you can also make your gamemodes safe by using the DAntiCheat commands.
Get DAntiCheat
Download 0.12 (new anticheat way, can react on ALT-TAB'ers, Healthcheaters, money cheaters, weapon cheaters and score cheaters. It has now several custom gamemode support via scriptcommands).
Optimized gamemodes
MG(+Langrab) + bounties+banks+gangs+spawnweapons+...
Counter-Strike in San Andreas
(Put the .amx into your gamemodes-folder and the ini-file in your scriptfiles-folder)
Use the Issuetracker for this and select project "DAntiCheat" there.
What means kicked #2?
Here is a detailed list with explanation.
How does it work? (0.11)
ALTTABIt decreases and increases the health, if the value is always the same the guy is alt-tabbed or uses cheats which fix his health -> kick. (Default ALT-Tab time is 6, means 60 seconds maximum ALTTAB/MAP/OPTIONS-Time)
WeaponIf the killer used a weapon which is not allowed on the server, they get kicked/banned. (default are lots of evil weapons, please adjust the config variable for this)
HealthIf the player has more then a specified value (default:100) he gets kicked.
Money/ScoreIf it increases to fast he gets kicked, If it is higher then a limit, also kicked! (There are config vars for everything adjust it for your needs)
How to customize it for my gamemodes? (0.11)
This is the newest addition! Add
pawn Code:
#include <danticheat>
First thing is you can use different files for each gamemode. To load the config for a special gamemode use
pawn Code:
Second thing is synchronizing your Money and Score commands. If you do this you DON'T need to set MaxIncreaseMoney or MaxIncreaseScore higher then 0 because its synchro! Just replace
SetPlayerScore => DAntiCheat_SetPlayerScore
GivePlayerMoney => DAntiCheat_GivePlayerMoney
ResetPlayerMoney => DAntiCheat_ResetPlayerMoney
and it will be safe.
How to customize the DAntiCheat.ini?
ForbiddenWeapons=1,8,9,16,17,18,33,34,35,36,38,39,40 OnAltTab=1 OnForbiddenWeapon=2 OnHealthCheat=2 OnMoneyCheat=1 OnScoreCheat=1 MaxMoney=9999999 MaxIncreaseMoney=200000 MaxHealth=100 MaxIncreaseScore=10 MaxScore=1000 DontKickAdmins=0 ShowAll=0 AltTabTime=6
Every OnEvent can be set to 0 for just logging, 1 for kick and 2 for ban.
This new version needs no entrys in AntiCheat.ini! It will also work with Vendingmachines and burger/shops and candy stuff. |
If you agree the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Germany-License, get it here. Republishing prohibited. You can download this file only from there. If you got it from somewhere else, REPORT this at JanS@DracoBlue.de
Happy playing,
Jan (DracoBlue)