[FilterScript] Advance Ranks and Killing spree system [iRANKS]

Rank System

Six Ranks
  • Newbie
  • Survivor
  • Kill Streaker
  • Death Tech
  • Rambo
  • Kill Machine
The ranks have Text Draws + 3D Text labels over the player's head.
The ranks varies on the player's kills. For example if he kills 20+ players, his rank will be Survivor.
/ranks to show ranks => If you click on a dialog, you will get a message about the rank.

Killing Spree System

Ten Killing Sprees
  • First Blood
  • Double Kill
  • Triple Kill
  • Dominating
  • Killing Spree
  • Monster Kill
  • Wicked Sick
  • Ludicrous Kill
  • Ultra Kill
  • Unstoppable
  • Godlike (version 1.1)
All the killing sprees have different sounds.
It sends Message to all that a specific player is on a specific killing spree.

  • dini.inc
  • a_samp.inc
  • DracoBlue for dini.inc
  • inshal for the iRanks and Killing spree system
  • Abrar Hassan for Rank System name(s)
  • LeGGGeNNdA for killing spree name(s)
I also took some suggestions from other FilterScripts and made it better so they also get to be in credits.

/icredits to see the credits


Version 1.0

Version 1.1

-Don't forget to +rep me if you liked my script.
-Sorry for bad English (I think...)

Sounds nice going to test it soon

Thanks. Don't forget to +rep if you like it.

Work is good, but bad code

What's bad?

Updated the script : fixed some bugs.

Looks pretty cool, add Godlike after Unstoppable at killing spree. +2


Nice suggestion. I will add it!

Originally Posted by inshal
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What's bad?
Lots of things, actually.
  • Using dini.
  • Not checking if killerid is valid before using it in an array: generates out of bounds runtime errors if player dies from falling, explosions, drowning, etc.
  • Attaching a shitload of labels to players: you never check if they already have a label attached and keep adding about 30 more every second (see points 4 and 5 below).
  • Using OnPlayerUpdate to update stats; kills and deaths do not magically accumulate. Use OnPlayerDeath.
  • Label variables aren't saved, making them impossible to destroy.
  • Not using switch statements where appropriate (although debatable).
  • Repeated code

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