Save admin level

Howdydoo! This time I haven't got an actual problem, which is great as I always bring problems whenever I make a topic! Anyhow, this time I need help with actually saving the admin position that a player is appointed, because right now it just vanishes as soon as the player logs out. The script for the command will be posted below.

    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF69521AA,"You can't use this command!");//Checking if the player is rcon admin to set an admin level
    new id, level;//Creating the id variable to store the selected id and a level variable for the chosen admin level.
    if(sscanf(params,"ui",id,level)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xF69521AA,"USAGE: /setlevel <id> <level(1-4)>");//Check if the player inputted a username or id and a admin level.
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xF69521AA,"The specified player is currently not connected!");//Checking if the selected user is connected or not.
    if (!(0 <= level <= 4)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xF69521AA,"Please specify an admin level between 0 and 4");
    new file[64],PlayerName[24];//Creating a variable to store the file path, and a variable to store the players name.
    GetPlayerName(id,PlayerName,sizeof PlayerName);//Retrieving the selected id's name,
    format(file,sizeof file,"Admin/%s.ini",PlayerName);
    PlayerInfo[id][Level] = level;
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0xF69521AA,"You have successfully changed the selected user's admin level");
    SendClientMessage(id,0xF69521AA,"Your admin level has successfully been changed, congratulations!");
    return 1;

are you sure you are saving his stats when logging off, at OnPlayerDisconnect

I'm sure I am not doing that, as I do not know how to do it, haha!

Could somebody help me out with that?

Hello sir,
This might help you to save player's data instead of ( Admins/%s.ini ) You can save all data in one file ( User/%s.ini ) and it may contain maybe data such as ( Vip, Money, death, kills, score .... )

Thanks Golimad!

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