how to change cmd

how i can edit dommands in filescripts
i need to change /setvip to /makevip because 1st one is used by another system
how i can change it
please help me
thank you

What command processor are you using..

i think im using zcmd,i can see zcmd in pwn folder
i need to edit VIPv1.3 , it have pwn and amx file

If you're using zcmd, Change CMDetvip to CMD:makevip
Just deleting and replacing the actual command..

i need to open pwn and find /setvip , change to /makevip , save and im done?

im using this vip system
can you please change /setvip to /makevip for me and send me fs again,please
please bro
thank you

Ziggy, Its Simple -
1.Go On your script
2. Find your setvip command
3. Change it to makevip
4. Compile
5. Your Done
6. +REP Meh

how to compile,brother,please do this and send me script,please
and i will put it on my server and all done

Here it is defined in steps:

1. Open your Filterscript.
2. Hit CTRL + H, you'll see two input boxes.
3. In the box Search for: type 'setvip'
4. In the box Replace with: type 'makevip'
5. Hit Yes to All button

You should be good to go.

EDIT: Didn't know too many people have already replied!

To compile, hit F5.

i will try now
thank you

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