[Looking For Developer] .NET Scripting Framework For SA-MP(Source Included!) Cross-Platform

After all those unsupported and buggy plugins in the forum for .NET framework I have decided to make my own.
My main goal wasn't releasing that plugin but use it to create my own server.
However due to limit in my time I couldn't continue with it.

Well, the source
It's already done, compatible with latest mono, and visual studio 2013.

After all, the framework, the theory of OOP in SA-MP is not completed.
I'm looking for a real developer who know both C++ and .NET together with a good look on OOP to continue this project and release the source code.

If you are interested let me know about you skills in what I said above and then I can send you source code.

Cross-Platform, Works on both Linux and Windows.


Originally Posted by BigETI
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Don't you know difference between a Developer and a scripter ?

Scripting or coding in general (includes writing applications and APIs) belongs to development of something. A developer can develope designs aswell. If you're looking for a helper (developer) for yourself, then go ahead to this thread instead.

Well, It's okay guys.
I would better to change my decision, Yeah I see this is the only way.
I made the topic to make sa-mp better and more powerful than before, I'm not asking for anything in return.
I have been working over 1 year on this project to follow and apply every single OOP rules in it.
Number of lines exceeded 20K on C++ side, and 5 K on Managed-Code C# side, I just didn't want to have a beta or alpha release but a full working release, The first version, final version.
And of course I didn't write anything useless in code to make lines instead of features.
It took me a long time to think on every single line I write for performance and others issues..

You offense me just because I didn't find better place to post ? You don't help ? You don't respect ? I don't care!
Moderators, please delete this topic. I won't give my lovely project to a disrespectful community.
It's way better to put it on my dead-code archive

Originally Posted by LeaveMe
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I won't give my lovely project to a disrespectful community.
Please remember that here are good people and bad people, like anywhere in this world.
I haven't posted anything because i don't have "great" skills related to C/++, but i do have in C#
But since the C/++ skills are missing, i don't even thinked about posting a "apply" for it.

As well, to to the dude who posted about the "scripters / helpers" thread:
I really don't see the idea of posting the content of a plugin in a thread when almost NO ONE see the content of it.
I seriously think this is the best section of having this thread done, since:
  1. It is a plugin, so it's programmed, not developed
  2. Most of the content inside of this sections is done from the people who knows about this subject
When, in the scripters / helpers thread, we find:
  1. "Admins" requests for noob servers
  2. "Scripter" requests for noob servers
  3. No sense requests
This is just my opinion.

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