ServerFFS is closing?

Originally Posted by MustangV10
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I'm actually happy due to the fact that there will be less competition on cheaply hosted SA:MP servers. A tonne of servers will close because of this. SA:MP is a dieing game, a lot of owners wouldn't bother re-opening on a new IP.
Where have you been under a rock?

SA-MP been growing it's never been dying.

Well, it looks like a good thing that I chose another host over server ffs. I Get samp Servers for 13cents a slot

Sad for, they truly was the best, despite the fact there wasnt support, but I was with them over a year and never needed any help, so i didnt felt any discomfort.

I was actualy planing to move back to ffs few days ago, glad I didnt.

I just cant get the reason its closing, if they would have support page, they would still be the best around - World wide host places, lag less, awesome control panel, guess all good things comes to the end.

YAY its closing finally about time.

I can bet a tenner that the forums will take a dramatic decrease of "Why is my server failing on ServerFFS"

About time.

Now Volt will get packed as if they weren't already, and will have a choice of fixing their server ddos issues or doing the exact same.


Originally Posted by ikey07
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Sad for, they truly was the best, despite the fact there wasnt support, but
I just cant get the reason its closing, if they would have support page, they would still be the best around - World wide host places, lag less, awesome control panel, guess all good things comes to the end.
I wrote the reason for them closing in an earlier post in this thread, someone at one point wrote that sa-mp was dying and that would become the topic of this thread, the actual topic will be forgotten in a second.

Originally Posted by hansen111
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my company is renting dediboxes there now as its simply the best dedi service we have ever come across. I
Just want to say, LOL

They are so expenssive !

Ovh ( an big company, with expenssive price is more cheap lol )


I'm sure they're not closing on own will, but because they're losing money instead of earning?

Originally Posted by scott1
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Just want to say, LOL

They are so expenssive !

Ovh ( an big company, with expenssive price is more cheap lol )

You clearly have no clue as what you are talking about. My company researched this for a long time and went through several services before ending up with them. They are not only the best but have extremely low prices. In the end it comes down to net stability and im not talking about hosting sa-mp servers but professionel businesses that have sales in the 2 figure millions.

Originally Posted by Bacardi
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I'm sure they're not closing on own will, but because they're losing money instead of earning?
My educated guess is that they simply make a lot more money in the dedicated server market.

I used to have
ages ago, amazing price, control panel and support, that slowly started to die, and i left about 2 years or so ago,
when i noticed that there was NO ticket support, my webhosts was messing up.
slowly my samp server was not acceptable/or accessible.

I even went as far as complain to their "big brother" company, they took the complaint in, but said they didnt have control over serverffs, it was more like they rented out the servers and said we dont care.

I'm glad serverffs is vanishing, it deserves to be shut down ages ago when they stop caring about their customers and still kept active to receive money, I'm shocked sa-mp didn't blacklist them

as for me, i had someone like Popz to help me, but he was too going idle, and
i wanted more control, if you guys can, get a vps or a dedi, its harder to learn at first, but worth it to get.
or join hosted services from volt or w/e if its around.
never had their services, so i cant comment. but i heard the owner was pretty nice and smart [winks]

Originally Posted by Tenshi
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amazing price, control panel and support, that slowly started to die
I don't think that they had amazing prices (ServerZ had them, Woet accused them of overselling all the time, still my server was running fine), but yeah, rest is totally true, it was the best and most professional host back then

It was fantastic back it the day.

Keyword "back in the day" . Now they're crap. I don't care if they close or not.

I could input that no host is perfect, (Not even myself)

Yet again, most of us strive towards perfection and to please users.

this is what happens when you let children run a "big boys" company.
Service, server, support was fine, its just 1 dude who couldn't play with others right
[ no names, but you should know who.]

ServerFFS was great few years back, but then it all just started dying. They were probably the best SAMP host at that time, sadly, it failed.

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