House help

Okay I set a player to have 1house key but i want to create a donate were I am able to
/upgrade [id] housekey [amount]
And the player would now be able to have more house keys for the amount i enter in the dini info

Dude dude dude... We are not a kid of magician to know how your house system is set...

At least try make it yourself, then post here the bugs...

Use two arrays, one holds the keys, one is a boolean like this:

pawn Код:
enum HouseInfo /* or whatever u haz */

/* then in your command u check if KeyEnable[KEYID] and if it is, you allow him to have a key on that array
    and in order for you to check if he still has keys left u just loop through MAX_KEYS and check if theres one
    which is KeyEnable but Keys is not set yet. Simple.

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