House help - Printable Version
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House help -
trapstar2020 - 12.06.2012
Okay I set a player to have 1house key but i want to create a donate were I am able to
/upgrade [id] housekey [amount]
And the player would now be able to have more house keys for the amount i enter in the dini info
Re: House help -
leonardo1434 - 12.06.2012
Dude dude dude... We are not a kid of magician to know how your house system is set...
At least try make it yourself, then post here the bugs...
AW: House help -
Extremo - 12.06.2012
Use two arrays, one holds the keys, one is a boolean like this:
pawn Код:
enum HouseInfo /* or whatever u haz */
/* then in your command u check if KeyEnable[KEYID] and if it is, you allow him to have a key on that array
and in order for you to check if he still has keys left u just loop through MAX_KEYS and check if theres one
which is KeyEnable but Keys is not set yet. Simple.