
Hi guys, i converted the map code but when i go in game i see just a part of the map not all, why?
*part of the map: i made a map with map editor i saved it and i converted but i cant see all the obcjects i added, just some please help!

If you have over the object limit, you will need a object streamer. Use the search function in the forums .

Create a new filterscript.
Download streamer plugin
Add '#include <streamer>' to the top of your script
Cut and paste all the objects in your server into that filterscript under OnFilterScriptInit

When I say all objects, I mean EVERY object that you would find in your gamemodes and filterscripts, make sure you CUT them, not copy them. Create backups!

Cant find, please link me

Streamer Plugin Download (0.3d) = Click Here

Still not working. the objects are 786 but i see like 20 objects...

pawn Код:
#include <a_sa-mp>
#include <streamer>
#include <sscanf>
#pragma tabsize 0
Well this will work!

not working..

Did you put all the objects in a new filterscript and add the filterscript name to your server.cfg?

yes, and it didnt work....i got a quesion:
pawn Код:
CreateObject(897,-446.00000000,1547.90002441,41.29999924,0.00000000,0.00000000,290.00000000); //object(searock01) (1)
Thats one object, when i downloaded a map the line was too short....maybe is that the problem?

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