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map.... - Printable Version

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map.... - Gooday - 26.12.2011

Hi guys, i converted the map code but when i go in game i see just a part of the map not all, why?
*part of the map: i made a map with map editor i saved it and i converted but i cant see all the obcjects i added, just some please help!

Re: map.... - [HiC]TheKiller - 26.12.2011

If you have over the object limit, you will need a object streamer. Use the search function in the forums .

Re: map.... - Thresholdold - 26.12.2011

Create a new filterscript.
Download streamer plugin
Add '#include <streamer>' to the top of your script
Cut and paste all the objects in your server into that filterscript under OnFilterScriptInit

When I say all objects, I mean EVERY object that you would find in your gamemodes and filterscripts, make sure you CUT them, not copy them. Create backups!

Re: map.... - Gooday - 26.12.2011

Cant find, please link me

Re: map.... - Thresholdold - 26.12.2011

Streamer Plugin Download (0.3d) = Click Here

Re: map.... - Gooday - 26.12.2011

Still not working. the objects are 786 but i see like 20 objects...

Re: map.... - MAVERICKS - 26.12.2011

pawn Код:
#include <a_sa-mp>
#include <streamer>
#include <sscanf>
#pragma tabsize 0
Well this will work!

Re: map.... - Gooday - 26.12.2011

not working..

Re: map.... - Thresholdold - 26.12.2011

Did you put all the objects in a new filterscript and add the filterscript name to your server.cfg?

Re: map.... - Gooday - 26.12.2011

yes, and it didnt work....i got a quesion:
pawn Код:
CreateObject(897,-446.00000000,1547.90002441,41.29999924,0.00000000,0.00000000,290.00000000); //object(searock01) (1)
Thats one object, when i downloaded a map the line was too short....maybe is that the problem?