Coding Help

Does anyone know what the code is for:
Ejecting a player from a vehicle (which I have named 'threshcar' which is AddstaticVehicle etc.) if they are not an RCON admin?

Destroying a previously spawned car if the player tries to spawn another one. Example: I spawn a remington and drive it for a bit, then I want to spawn a landstalker, when my landstalker spawns, the remington disappears. Can someone help me with these 2 codes?

pawn Код:
new threshcar;

threshcar = AddStaticVehicle(................

if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == threshcar && !IsPlayerAmin(playerid)) RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid);

pawn Код:
new CurrentCar[MAX_PLAYERS];


public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
   CurrentCar[playerid] = -1;


//When spawning a car:
if(CurrentCar[playerid] != -1) DestroyVehicle(CurrentCar[playerid]);
CurrentCar[playerid] = CreateVehicle(.......);

I want it to destroy the previous car if they spawn ANY vehicle.

PS: Whenever I respawn the car or it gets blown up, all the components are gone... how can I fix this?

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