Don't get the same number!

Ive made a phone system, but you can have the same numbers and i don't want that, is there anyway i could make so people can't have the same number? i guess i could loop through all players numbers and if there is a match it won't work. Im new at that area so does anybody have any suggestions or something? i would appreciate any help!

Save all the used numbers in a file. Then, when someone buys a new number, loop through the file's context and use strcmp between the line of the file and the number (formatted to strings [wiki => strcmp helps]).
If the file is read to the end, and the strcmp was never same, then he/she may use the number, in case that there is a line same to the number, stop the loop and return that the number is already in usage.
Got that? ^^


Originally Posted by Jeffry
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Save all the used numbers in a file. Then, when someone buys a new number, loop through the file's context and use strcmp between the line of the file and the number (formatted to strings [wiki => strcmp helps]).
If the file is read to the end, and the strcmp was never same, then he/she may use the number, in case that there is a line same to the number, stop the loop and return that the number is already in usage.
Got that? ^^

I think i got it ^^. Then if they get a new number then delete it from the file again. Well im gonna try to make this thanks for your suggestion/help .

Originally Posted by The Woody
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I think i got it ^^. Then if they get a new number then delete it from the file again. Well im gonna try to make this thanks for your suggestion/help .
No, if they get a new number, you have to add it to the file (Filename e.g.: UsedNumbers.txt). There are all the numbers inside which are in use.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Originally Posted by Jeffry
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No, if they get a new number, you have to add it to the file (Filename e.g.: UsedNumbers.txt). There are all the numbers inside which are in use.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Yes, but if i get number 4444 and i will have a new number i get number 5555 i have to delete that from the file so other people can get number 4444 since its not in use anymore .

Originally Posted by The Woody
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Yes, but if i get number 4444 and i will have a new number i get number 5555 i have to delete that from the file so other people can get number 4444 since its not in use anymore .
Absolutely correct. I have misunderstood you then.
I ment, if someone creates a new number, you have to add it to the file. But for sure, if the number changes then you have to search=>delete the line and replace it with the new number.


i suggest you to waste some harddisc space for creating one file per number, and let the filesystem do the dirty work (sorting) for you:
new PhoneNumber[MAX_PLAYERS];//you already got an array for the phonenumbers. use yours indeed..
heres a sort of PhoneNumer saving snippet:
new filename[64];
new filecontent[64];
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new File:PhoneFile=fopen(filename,io_readwrite);//open file "11275"..
fwrite(PhoneFile,filecontent);//write "Babul" into it,
fclose(PhoneFile);//and close the file. done.
a /call or /GetPlayerFromPhoneNumber <number> command is possible very easy this way...
if i would get the number 11275 as "Babul", then the file "scriptfiles/PhoneNumbers/11275" would contain simply "Babul".

if you want a /GetPhoneNumberFromPlayer <Name> command, its also a good idea to store the PhoneNumber in another file with the PlayerName as filename...

Yes, the way as Babul suggested is better and is faster to create and faster in reading/writing.
Better do it like this, then you can also save some extra things in the 'per-number-file', like Rest-Money to phone.


Originally Posted by Babul
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i suggest you to waste some harddisc space for creating one file per number, and let the filesystem do the dirty work (sorting) for you:
new PhoneNumber[MAX_PLAYERS];//you already got an array for the phonenumbers. use yours indeed..
heres a sort of PhoneNumer saving snippet:
your code..
a /call or /GetPlayerFromPhoneNumber <number> command is possible very easy this way...
if i would get the number 11275 as "Babul", then the file "scriptfiles/PhoneNumbers/11275" would contain simply "Babul".

if you want a /GetPhoneNumberFromPlayer <Name> command, its also a good idea to store the PhoneNumber in another file with the PlayerName as filename...
Oh ive made it like this:
pawn Код:
#define ALL_NUMBER_FILE             "AllNumbers.txt" // on top
new string[128], Number; // when i buy a phone
Player[playerid][PhoneN] = 940+random(699);
format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have purchased a cellphone. Your number is %d.", Player[playerid][PhoneN]);
SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string);
Number = Player[playerid][PhoneN];
AddNumberToFile(ALL_NUMBER_FILE, Number);

stock AddNumberToFile(DFileName[], Number) // a stock.
    new File:NumFile, Line[128];

    format(Line, sizeof(Line), "%i\r\n", Number);
    NumFile = fopen(DFileName, io_append);
    fwrite(NumFile, Line);
    return 1;
This only uses one txt file but maybe your way is better ill try playing around with it.

Ok, something here:

you better make it as Babul said.
I will make some parts for you:

where you buy the number:
pawn Код:
new string[128], Number;
Number = 940+random(699);
new numberstr[50];
format(numberstr, sizeof(numberstr), "/Numbers/%d.txt", Number);  //Create a folder called 'Numbers'.
if(fexist(numberstr)) //Checks if the number is already created
    goto NEWNUMBER;
    //Will get a new number, in case the current ones does already exist.
    //Creates the file for the corresponding number:
    new File:num;
    num=fopen(numberstr, io_readwrite);
    //Use 'fwrite' here to write something into the file.
    Player[playerid][PhoneN] = Number;
format( string, sizeof( string ), "You have purchased a cellphone. Your number is %d.", Player[playerid][PhoneN]);
SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, string);

!!: You have to create a folder in scriptfiles called: Numbers

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Btw, you can also make it, that the player has to enter the number he/she wishes into a dialog and check then if the number exists. Would look like this:

pawn Код:
new string[128], Number;
Number = strval(inputtext);
if(Number > 2000000000 || Number < 10000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "ERROR: Invalid number.");
new numberstr[50];
format(numberstr, sizeof(numberstr), "/Numbers/%d.txt", Number);  //Create a folder called 'Numbers'.
if(fexist(numberstr)) //Checks if the number is already created
    return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "ERROR: Number already in use, take another..");
... same as obove
You have to create the folder here too.

So, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


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