How to make gate commands

Hello how to make gate commands that opens with same command and closes same command or better way it opens only with 1 or 2 persons i add names to command and it checks names if right name is in range it opens.

I am using that

if (strcmp("/oropen", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
return 1;

if (strcmp("/orclose", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
return 1;

two are same X Y Z change that

no i want other cmd not like thaat

Are you asking for one command to do 2 things? Or do you need a timer so one command opens a gate for 'X' seconds and then closes the gate?

Here is how.

pawn Код:
new GateState;
pawn Код:
COMMAND:gate(playerid, params[])
        if(GateState == 1) //If gate is Open
            GateState = 0; // Gate = Close
            MoveObject(ID_OF_YOUR_GATE,X,Y,Z,Speed); //Put replace x,y and z with the positions for the gate when it is closed
            GateState = 1; //Gate = Open
            MoveObject(ID_OF_YOUR_GATE,X,Y,Z,Speed); //Put replace x,y and z with the positions for the gate when it is open
    return 1;

thanks this is what i want.

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