Little proposal...

Sorry for considering myself special but I have a good FS proposal, and I think it would be way too awesome.

Making a command for morphing vehicles...

Like ... runing with the car off a cliff and using a command (maybe binded before) for transforming your car in a plane and continuing your trip... or a boat, or any other vehicle.

Maybe a modificable list with available vehicles, accesing new vehicles after unlocking them with a score/level or a pretty big sum of money.


1. If you are already underwater, you can't change the vehicle.
2. If the place where you change the vehicle is too small compared with the vehicle... Like transforming a bike in an AT400 plane in a tight place.
3. When you change the vehicle, no sudden brake.
4. If you have 3 passagers and you re transforming in 2 doors car or something like this, some of your passagers gets ejected.

PS: Could you givee me a reply or a PM if this thing gets done, or it s already DONE!

The specs you want, are very hard and requires alot of work. May not even be possible.
The "easy version" of this, is probably something like this:
pawn Код:
if( !strcmp( cmdtext, "/mboat", true )) //morphing into boat
        Float:x[ 2 ],
        Float:y[ 2 ],
        Float:z[ 2 ],
    new id = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
    GetVehicleVelocity( id, x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ], z[ 0 ] );
    GetVehiclePos( id, x[ 1 ], y[ 1 ], z[ 1 ] );
    GetVehicleZAngle( id, a );
    RemovePlayerFromVehicle( playerid );
    DestroyVehicle( id );
    new morphed = CreateVehicle( boatmodel, x[ 1 ], y[ 1 ], z[ 1 ], a, -1, -1, -1 );
    PutPlayerInVehicle( playerid, morphed );
    SetVehicleVelocity( morphed, x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ], z[ 0 ] );
    return true;
I think that will work x3 I just made something up, so don't be surprised if it doesn't work :P

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