Little proposal... -
Re: Little proposal... -
The specs you want, are very hard and requires alot of work. May not even be possible.
pawn Код:
if( !strcmp( cmdtext, "/mboat", true )) //morphing into boat
Float:x[ 2 ],
Float:y[ 2 ],
Float:z[ 2 ],
new id = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
GetVehicleVelocity( id, x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ], z[ 0 ] );
GetVehiclePos( id, x[ 1 ], y[ 1 ], z[ 1 ] );
GetVehicleZAngle( id, a );
RemovePlayerFromVehicle( playerid );
DestroyVehicle( id );
new morphed = CreateVehicle( boatmodel, x[ 1 ], y[ 1 ], z[ 1 ], a, -1, -1, -1 );
PutPlayerInVehicle( playerid, morphed );
SetVehicleVelocity( morphed, x[ 0 ], y[ 0 ], z[ 0 ] );
return true;
I think that will work x3 I just made something up, so don't be surprised if it doesn't work :P