13.07.2010, 06:17
Ok i tried
It doesnt work?
#define SERVER_NAME "••• Violated Roleplay •••"
#define SERVER_NAME "••• Violated Roleplay •••"
#include <a_samp> #include <core> #include <float> #include <time> #include <file> #include <utils> #include <morphinc> #include <a_npc> #include <streamer> static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; //===============================[MAIN SETTINGS]================================================ #define SERVER_NAME "Violated Roleplay" // This is what the hostname/servername will be set to. #define Version "4.8" // Script Version //==============================================================================================
SendRconCommand("hostname "SERVER_NAME);
new SendCommand[128]; // I don't want to count the letters, do it yourself
format(SendCommand, sizeof(SendCommand), "hostname %s", SERVER_NAME); // Format the command into a string.
SendRconCommand(SendCommand); // Execute the command through Rcon.
SendRconCommand("hostname " #SERVER_NAME "");