What does this mean?

C:\Users\mehmet\Desktop\SA-MP Server\gamemodes\[GM]Navi-RP.pwn(217) : warning 219: local variable "pLabelCreated" shadows a variable at a preceding level

Means that variable has been twice.

For example, you might of created it globally than in a separate callback.

it tells you that you declared that variable twice.
1	new pLabelCreated[64];
2	for(id=0;id<MAX_PLAYERS;id++)
3	{
4		new pLabelCreated[64];
5		format(pLabelCreated,sizeof(pLabelCreated),"blablabla %s",pLabelCreated);
6		SendClientMessageToPlayer(id,0xffffffff,pLabelCreated);
7	}
just remove your new created variable (here, in line 4), as it already exists. if its a string, like above, then make sure the size is declared to the bigger value...

What are you talking about a bigger value of the string size?

And I doubt he'd put two of the same created variables right by each other like that. He probably created one as a global variable, and then one inside a callback/function.

Originally Posted by Babul
it tells you that you declared that variable twice.
1	new pLabelCreated[64];
2	for(id=0;id<MAX_PLAYERS;id++)
3	{
4		new pLabelCreated[64];
5		format(pLabelCreated,sizeof(pLabelCreated),"blablabla %s",pLabelCreated);
6		SendClientMessageToPlayer(id,0xffffffff,pLabelCreated);
7	}
just remove your new created variable (here, in line 4), as it already exists. if its a string, like above, then make sure the size is declared to the bigger value...
Oh thanks, i see, i have make new PLabelCreated 2 times.. :S

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