door pass

Is it possible to make the gate that opens on same code like /gate [pass] and that we can change that code/pass.
If sombody know pls put the script or code here .tnx and sry on bad english

Like this :


if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/open aljo", true)==0)
MoveObject (SnoopGates,1245.624756, -738.196167, 87.538330,2.5);
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/close Aljo", true)==0)
MoveObject (SnoopGates,1092.034058, -628.880066,111.912895,2.5);
return 1;

DO NOT FORGET TO ADD That what is "snoopgates" at ongamemodeint like SNOOPGATES = CreateObject.....

that is not it, lets say that bank have a safe so it has a pass that players can chage in game , you get it i mean .
they put some code like /changebankpass [oldpass] [newpass] and that code saves plss

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