[Help] Pickups

	if(pickupid == Pot) PotWinner(playerid, PotReward);
	else if(pickupid == Reg1)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 1");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(1) - айп мдщъощ бц'йийн, ишййршйн ае лем сев азш щм ъелеръ дачйн");
	else if(pickupid == Reg2)
	  SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 2 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(2) - айп мйшеъ тм агойрйн мбрйн - агойп мбп деа агойп бъфчйг");
	else if(pickupid == Reg3)
    SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 3 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(3) - айп мчмм ае мдтмйб щен щзчп бцешд лмщдй");
	else if(pickupid == Reg4)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 4 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(4) - йщ мбцт аъ дешеаъ дагойрйн");
	else if(pickupid == Reg5)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 5 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(5) - асеш мбцт ийн чйм/сфаееп чйм ае мшоеъ аъ отшлъ дшоеъ блм гшк азшъ");
	else if(pickupid == Reg6)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 6 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(6) - асеш мфшсн чдймеъ оъзшеъ");
	else if(pickupid == Reg7)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "~ зеч осфш - 7 ~");
		SCM(playerid, GRAY, "(7) - айп мйшеъ байжешйн биезйн - зрейеъ рщчйн, зрейеъ аелм, ебрч");
	else if(pickupid == Reg8)
		SCM(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "сййоъ аъ чшйаъ дзечйн, еаъ ддшщод. аъд йлем мдщъвш тлщйе");
		Started[playerid] = 1;
hi, sometimes when i pickup for example the "Pot" pickup i get the text of "Reg1" pickup, how can i fix this

It's a bug

CreatePickup - Pickup ids are often different for different players. I presume it is a problem with keeping track of them and assigning ids for players. This affects OnPlayerPickUpPickup and DestroyPickup as they will be used with different pickups for players.

so there is no way to fix this and this is a bug of SA:MP?

Yep Unfixable

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