System objects

Hello, now that he is not speaking Englishman ... Simulator using language so as I have a question how to do something such as a system of objects? Going by so I can drop the weapon on the earth and she will lay there (to build a pickup that went out of the game and save after gmx)

Eh, i don't know what the hell you're talking about? Weapon drop script?

Lol lol lol x 10.

Put this above OnGameModeIniti

pawn Код:
new yourpickup
Put this under OnGameModeInit

pawn Код:
yourpickup = CreatePickup (pickupid,id(like1-20), x,y,z);
and put this under OnPlayerPickup

pawn Код:
if (pickupid == yourpickup)
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
        // bla bla bla
Pickup ID's:
Pickup types:
To get a coordinate, go in samp server and do /save 'name' - You will get X,Y,Z

No I mean that it wants to discard weapons command and show it on the ground where it hapten.

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