How to edit a GF script using .ini to use mysql?

Hi all,

I have edited GodFather and I want to edit it. It's using .ini's now. I want it to use mySQL database.
CW-RP or Moderntopia are working awesome, but here I have translated script.
Is it a hard way to edit it?

Can somebody show me how to do it?

Thanks in advance,

Its diffucult to make an non based mysql scipt to an based mysql script.
You could try to make an new base mysql scipt and then using ideas and parts of coding of the GF scipt to your
mysql scipt. Try to ask the maker of Modern Topia

Originally Posted by Oxside
Its diffucult to make an non based mysql scipt to an based mysql script.
You could try to make an new base mysql scipt and then using ideas and parts of coding of the GF scipt to your
mysql scipt. Try to ask the maker of Modern Topia
It is not that difficult to change just login and register system

i am currently doing this right now for a ~35k long gm. What i am doing is getting all of the fields from the sql database and the storing them in Players[][pInfo]. pInfo has the same structure as the database. Then for /login i made a command called loadplayervariables which loads the info from the sql db and stores it. OnPlayerDisconnect i have 2 commands. SavePlayerVariables which i need to figure out how to make it better to autosave eveything, right now its just a string. Then i have a command called UnLoadPlayerVariables which sets all of the variables to 0 for the player so theyre reset for the next player. Itll definitely take a while, but i think its worth it

login /register maybe not
but the rest....

Strart it from scratch.. Like I did two weeks ago, my 2nd dynamic gamemode (fully mysql based)
GF has many useless things, hontestly.


Cuz I think that I am too low in PAWN to start creating my own gamemode.
I am good at PHP, so I writed all the CMS for mySQL server, I also know pascal, a bit C++ that's PAWN based on.
I know the structure but I don't know SA-MP functions etc.


Originally Posted by kacperoo
C++ that's PAWN based on.
PAWN is not based on C++
it = C++
It has only one big include!

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Useless for him

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