Which Area for RP Server?

It dosen't matter which city or area you are covering, the main thing is the roleplay environment and some unique and better features.

Originally Posted by Paulice
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One could wonder the same with the way you tragically put words together
You must have been very triggered when confronted the same way as you confronted someone else, cheers to you mate for brining hope to the SA-MP community once again!

Originally Posted by Hansrutger
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You must have been very triggered when confronted the same way as you confronted someone else, cheers to you mate for brining hope to the SA-MP community once again!
Amen to that, homie! Someone finally stood up to SA-MP Forums' bully (that's you btw!)!

Alright so I've decided to base the server in San Fierro since it's getting some positive votes. Yes, it's my server, do what I want and all that. But at the end of it, I'm not building a server just for myself I'm building it for other people to play.

LS is too over-used. Most people already play a server, and most likely it's based in LS. If I wanted those people to also play my server, it gives them something completely different.

Obviously the main point of focus is San Fierro, that's not to say I don't have a few things in Fort Carson, or a couple things in Los Santos that require players to go to those cities to use those features.

So San Fierro it is! Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by DLR
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Alright so I've decided to base the server in San Fierro since it's getting some positive votes. Yes, it's my server, do what I want and all that. But at the end of it, I'm not building a server just for myself I'm building it for other people to play.

LS is too over-used. Most people already play a server, and most likely it's based in LS. If I wanted those people to also play my server, it gives them something completely different.

Obviously the main point of focus is San Fierro, that's not to say I don't have a few things in Fort Carson, or a couple things in Los Santos that require players to go to those cities to use those features.

So San Fierro it is! Thanks guys.
Exactly! You're building the server for the liking of your future players, but one thing you got wrong... is the place you posted this thread! Most (if not all) people here a developers, and like I said. Do it to your liking and switch later on if needed. You can't base your results on people that won't even play on your server, you have take the results from your players!

Well there used to be a server named San Fierro Roleplay , later changed the city to Los Santos and was renamed as Urban Roleplay.
But as you said it's your server, so give it a chance and lets wait for the results.

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