
Hey i`m trying to run DayZ 9.1 but it gives me this error! need little help +rep

======================== FCNPC Exception Handler ===============================
Address: 0x744D72C6

EAX: 0x08307730 - EBX: 0x0396BCFC - ECX: 0x08307730 - EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00000000 - EDI: 0x26f2588 - EBP: 0x0018F314 - ESP: 0x0018F314

0x0: 0x0018F334 - 0x4: 0x744D9771 - 0x8: 0x00000000 - 0xC: 0x65B366E2 - 0x10: 0x026F2588 - 0x14: 0x0018FE20
0x18: 0x744DE5FB - 0x1C: 0x00000000 - 0x20: 0x03CC07B8

FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x466570
FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x484620
FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x484c70
FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x484f50
FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x486d30
FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x488240
FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x48b5b0
FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x4918f0

VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x4f5fe8
VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9

OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x33c
OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xcb8
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xcb0
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xcb5
======================== FCNPC Exception Handler ===============================

First off install crashdetect to see whether or not your Script is causing the crash or the plugin (make sure to recompile with -d3 flags). Depending on the error you can see if it crashes during executing an FCNPC function or PAWN Code.

If it's related to FCNPC it would probably be best to post it in the FCNPC Thread and also include some code (especially if you have a crashlog that states the last lines executed).

Btw the FCNPC Exception gets thrown almost everytime the Server crashes, regardless of the reason of the crash. So this doesn't neccessarily mean it's FCNPC that caused the crash.

Originally Posted by NaS
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First off install crashdetect to see whether or not your Script is causing the crash or the plugin (make sure to recompile with -d3 flags). Depending on the error you can see if it crashes during executing an FCNPC function or PAWN Code.

If it's related to FCNPC it would probably be best to post it in the FCNPC Thread and also include some code (especially if you have a crashlog that states the last lines executed).

Btw the FCNPC Exception gets thrown almost everytime the Server crashes, regardless of the reason of the crash. So this doesn't neccessarily mean it's FCNPC that caused the crash.
What is this?

You are missing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86 probably).

Download it from the Microsoft page (I wouldn't recommend just downloading the .dll file - It can be unsafe depending on where you get it, and it may not be the only file missing).

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