Higher IDs, higher packetloss


Our server (0.3.7 R2) has a lag/warp issue which seems to be worse the higher a player's ID is. I must stress that this is much more than a visual issue as shown in the screenshots - players with higher IDs often complain of lag/warp, rejoin to get a lower ID and then there's no problem. This is a Linux dedicated server - plenty of free RAM, CPU, I/O is good, network capacity is fine, etc. Has anyone seen anything similar, or have any suggestions?

ID 10 - 0.0% packetloss:

ID 20 - 8.7% packetloss:

ID 30 - 17.5% packetloss:

ID 40 - 33.5% packetloss:



Note: This function has been found to be currently unreliable the output is not as expected when compared to the client. Therefore this function should not be used as a packet loss kicker.

Those values aren't correct.

Is this not from the client end though IstuntmanI?

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