01.01.2009, 16:49
What ?
It includes all the names of the vehicles found in San Andreas
Basically if you are hunting for vehicles IDs, with this include you can easily do your work.
How ?
If you don't know a ID of a vehicle & searching all over for the ID, you can easily add the vehicle's name
With this include:
It will do the same function. Just replace the ID with the Name.
Why ?
I created this include for those who don't wants to search for IDs. Just add the vehicle's name & it's done!
How to Use ?
Add this code under #include <a_samp>
& then whenever you want to add a vehicle in your gamemode.
More ?
It's my first basic include.
Also works with CreateVehicle.
If you are gonna comment like a kid, Don't! Because i know you are a Einstein who know all IDs, so stop the rubish comments
It includes all the names of the vehicles found in San Andreas
Basically if you are hunting for vehicles IDs, with this include you can easily do your work.
How ?
If you don't know a ID of a vehicle & searching all over for the ID, you can easily add the vehicle's name
With this include:
It will do the same function. Just replace the ID with the Name.
Why ?
I created this include for those who don't wants to search for IDs. Just add the vehicle's name & it's done!
How to Use ?
pawn Код:
#include <vehicles>
& then whenever you want to add a vehicle in your gamemode.
pawn Код:
AddStaticVehicle(nrg500,3065.447,-710.515,2441.421,265.0,-1,-1); //Example 1
AddStaticVehicle(infernus,3065.447,-710.515,2441.421,265.0,-1,-1); //Example 2
AddStaticVehicle(sultan,3065.447,-710.515,2441.421,265.0,-1,-1); //Example 3
It's my first basic include.
Also works with CreateVehicle.
If you are gonna comment like a kid, Don't! Because i know you are a Einstein who know all IDs, so stop the rubish comments
