Compiler sometimes crashes

Hello, I have a problem with compiler. It sometimes crashes when I compile my gm. There's no missing brackets. I can compile it, but I have to try it for few times. Another pawner compile it everytime when he tries it. It started to do that yesterday. I tried to move it to another folder but that's same. I also tried to download new compiler, but no result. The gm has slightly less than 100k lines but I think it doesn't matter on my PC (i5, 8 GB RAM).

Sorry if there are some mistakes.

If compiler is crashing
It means that there are too many errors...
And it cannot compile..
But because there's so many it crashes

But when the another pawner compiles it, there's no errors.

See that:


Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes

Originally Posted by Prokill911
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Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes
I do think that there are some files missing on the pawno folder , make sure you check if you miss any.

Originally Posted by Prokill911
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Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes
I thought it but the pc was using just 1.5 GB of 8 GB and there wasn't any rise of RAM when starting compiling.


Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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I do think that there are some files missing on the pawno folder , make sure you check if you miss any.
I wasn't doing anything with the folder.. It's started surprisingly and without stimulus.

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