Compiler sometimes crashes - Printable Version
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Compiler sometimes crashes -
_NosiK_ - 26.06.2015
Hello, I have a problem with compiler. It sometimes crashes when I compile my gm. There's no missing brackets. I can compile it, but I have to try it for few times. Another pawner compile it everytime when he tries it. It started to do that yesterday. I tried to move it to another folder but that's same. I also tried to download new compiler, but no result. The gm has slightly less than 100k lines but I think it doesn't matter on my PC (i5, 8 GB RAM).
Sorry if there are some mistakes.
Re: Compiler sometimes crashes -
Prokill911 - 26.06.2015
If compiler is crashing
It means that there are too many errors...
And it cannot compile..
But because there's so many it crashes
Re: Compiler sometimes crashes -
_NosiK_ - 26.06.2015
But when the another pawner compiles it, there's no errors.
See that:
Re: Compiler sometimes crashes -
Prokill911 - 26.06.2015
Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes
Re: Compiler sometimes crashes -
Crystallize - 26.06.2015
Originally Posted by Prokill911
Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes
I do think that there are some files missing on the pawno folder , make sure you check if you miss any.
Re: Compiler sometimes crashes -
_NosiK_ - 26.06.2015
Originally Posted by Prokill911
Then no clue..
It's probably just running out of memory an crashes
I thought it but the pc was using just 1.5 GB of 8 GB and there wasn't any rise of RAM when starting compiling.
Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
I do think that there are some files missing on the pawno folder , make sure you check if you miss any.
I wasn't doing anything with the folder.. It's started surprisingly and without stimulus.