Cant run server on Linux

Hi all!
Can someone explain me, how to set up this server on linux.
I've tryed on Windows, all was good, but once I upload it on Host (Linux) It just wont work!

Any ideas?

Download the 0.3z Linux server version from here:

Add your gamemode/filterscripts/plugins/to this server version folder.
Upload the folder to your host.

Hello there.

As you know the Linux System is other from the Window's system so few files also needs to be replaced with the Linux Version. Mainly the plugins folder (which is currently .dll) will need to be upgraded to the extension called '.so'. You can easily look at your plugins list and search in ****** for the download link of it and download the latest version (search like ex. "Streamer SA-MP"). Then, you may go to server.cfg and in the plugin's line, add .so at the end of the plugin's name. Don't forget to replace the .so version.


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