Skype For Help

hi all
i have a lot of problem
some one can help me on this problems ? (pawn)
if can, add this skype : mamad.venom
thanks and sorry for my bad english

Ask your problems here, the whole idea of a support forum is to be able to collaborate with help, that's hard when it's hidden away in a Skype chat.

when i ask , no one answer me,...


Do Not Request Private Help - These are public forums where anyone can request free help in public, and to that end people will generally need to be able to see your code to help you. If you are not willing to post what is needed publicly, then you are not participating in a "community" in which everyone can learn from each other. Either post what is needed or post in this topic for private help, and be willing to pay for it. Do not post topics requesting private help via Skype, private message, or other non-public system. This includes contacting people for help without making a topic first.


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