Help for making Derby FS

Hi Guys can u help me?

i have 3 Derby maps i can send map codes to you and with that can u create me like Derby minigame with Voting features, max players is 15 with Random Spawns automatically derby ends every 2 min with announcement MSG like DERBY HAS BEEN ENDED. NEXT ROUNG STARTING IN 1 MIN TO JOIN USE /DERBY and when it starts [DERBY] HAS BEEN STARTED! and if player didnt voted maps it will automatically choose random map like that

the winner of derby will earn some score and money
Automatically choose random maps if player not voted
with announcement messages like
Derby is starting in 2 mins Type /Derby To join
No one has won derby new one starting in 2 min
PLAYER has won derby. Type /Derby To Join Next Round!

Wrong place to post this.Do it here.

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